BE ECO-LOGICAL Erasmus Project

General information for the BE ECO-LOGICAL Erasmus Project

BE ECO-LOGICAL Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Early School Leaving / combating failure in education; Creativity and culture; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills

Project Summary

Our project is participated by four partner schools from Poland, France, Spain and Italy. The main objectives of the projects are: prevention of early school leaving and combating school failure, improvement of key competences (communication in mother and foreign languages, civic competences, ICT skills) and facing underachievement. Our priorities are also to develop students creativity and their ecological and civic awareness.The students involved in the project are aged 11-15, and have problems with science, maths and their key competences require improvement.The partner schools will implement lessons in favour of students of all those ages and will cooperate by correspondence between each mobility.We plan four transnational meetings for students and 2 workshops for teachers concerning the innovative methods of teaching. English will be the communication language.
During the mobilities students will stay at host families and will improve the skills acquired at extra classes by visiting and discovering in the field, and also by organising practical workshop and group work.During these 2 years, we plan to study our theme, that is to say environment in a broad meaning: what is around me ? What is the historic richness of my region? Are there any particularly interesting areas of biodiversity? How can we protect them? When the students will be aware of the climate issues and of the disruptions of ecosystems around them, we will discuss with them about food issues: How to produce food for the whole world without damaging the planet? What can we do to reduce our carbon footprint? And what about food balance and junk food?
During the different mobilities, we plan the following workshops:
1. Local heros – international performance based on local legends (Spain) : The students will script in English the life of an historical or legendary character of each country. Then at each stay we will visit the places where these characters won fame. This activity will allow the students to express their creativity, to improve their written and spoken English and to get selfconfident.
2. Art as a source of knowledge and experience (Poland) : The students will have to stage a painting on the theme of ecology. Thus, they will develop their creativity and imagination, they will intensify their general knowledge and get more open mindedness concerning other cultures.
3. Oxford Debate as an innovative method of teaching. (Italy) : The students will debate on the theme of GM food, using the innovative method “Oxford debate”, which our Polish partners will previously initiate us into during a teachers meeting.To take part of this role play during the debate on GM food, the students will have to practise and use their skills in English, to make previous researches on GM food issues, and to get used to this new method: “Oxford debate”. This debate will help them to be more confident while talking and arguing.
4. Environment in statistics. Healthy lifestyle. (France) The students are going to compare the statistics they will have previously done concerning waste. It will be an opportunity for them to weigh their family and school waste, to get the measure of their volume, and also to compare their ecological imprint with other countries. They will convert those data in statistics and graphs. This will help them to develop their ecological awareness and their knowledge in mathematics.They will also meet a nutritionist to be more aware that above ecological impacts, the way we feed influence our health too.Then, they will create a leaflet translate in four languages to sensitise their mates to waste reduction. In each country we will visit an ecological farm so that the students observe there are different ways to farm while respecting nature.
We think that with this project, our students will understand some ecological and health issues, but also be more open to the world, that will imply the use of English.
In order to realise this project, the students will also have to improve their level in mathematics and IT. Young as adults will be initiated into the Oxford debate, an innovative method which will be sustained in each school, as well as the ecological and health part of the project and the educational garden.
Above the target group of pupils, thousands of people will be involved (colleagues, local partners,students of same age, families), thanks to the dissemination of the results and activities.We believe that this project will allow our students to have a new appetite concerning their studies, that it will help them to have a new view of the European bodies and will become good and respectful citizens. The project participants are going to gain the unique experience in cross-cultural relations. They will eradicate their prejudices and stereotyped ways of thinking and learn about the geographical features of some European countries.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 130278 Eur

Project Coordinator

La Salle Montebourg & Country: FR

Project Partners

  • Zespol Szkol w Lubczy
  • I.C. Luigi Settembrini