ENTICE and VAM Realities Project
ENTICE takes the initiative to establish synergies on exchanging methodologies, practices, and services with other EU-funded projects, as we believe that these synergies enhance the sustainability impact of the project and add value to Dissemination and Communication activities.
ENTICE is very happy to announce the establishment of a collaboration with VAM Realities Project. “University Business Cooperation for Promoting Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Applications within Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Companies”

In the VAM Realities project, higher education institutions, companies, and business representatives from all over Europe join forces to raise general awareness about the role VR/AR/MR already plays in the manufacturing industry and how this will increase significantly in the future, get an overview of the current state of the art of VR/AR/MR hardware and software available on the market and their usability for manufacturing SMEs, provide HEIs and SMEs with useful tools and background information so they can self-evaluate their current situation regarding VR/AR/MR and create the largest European VR/AR/MR platform (500+ members) where HEIs, SMEs, VR/AR/MR providers, business representatives, policy makers etc. can meet and exchange.
In addition, ENTICE has joined the VAM Realities EU project community; Europe’s most comprehensive collection of transnational cooperations from the virtual, augmented, and mixed reality fields. A coalition of innovative projects from all EU funding programmes, offering dissemination and networking opportunities as well as best practice examples.
Feel free to visit the project website here!
VAM*Rs Project card is available here!