Entrance to future education Erasmus Project
General information for the Entrance to future education Erasmus Project
Project Title
Entrance to future education
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
Project Summary
So far, practiced educational model by universities is the so-called factory education model. Factory model school and factory model education are terms describing both a style of learning and of educational facilities.
The key characteristics of factory model education are top-down management, separation from the community, emphasis on management, centralized planning, standardization, outcomes designed to meet societal needs, and efficiency in producing results. The system has been described as being “designed to create docile subjects and factory workers”.
If such an education system was valid in the past, it doesn’t fit anymore today.
The point is that students in the 21st century are frustrated with the factory model. They think they know better. Many researches have shown that the reasons why countless students drop out of school every day are that:
a.) school is boring, and
b.) school is not relevant to their lives.
The biggest problem is, educational system doesn’t motivate students. Millions of students do not know any purposing of going to university, except obligation.
Various studies have shown that the best results are in those activities, which are based on internal motivation. That’s why our project aim is to focus on innovative methods and approaches, which is focused on internal motivation – that students learn because they want to not because they have to. And in the end that kind of methods and approaches will help lecturers and students in their future work smarter not harder.
This project is great opportunity to gather all good practices, to develop new innovative methods and approaches, to create methodology material and create Professional development courses of academic staff and also already to train first lecturers. There will be systematized and summarized the best methods and approaches from European high schools, complemented by leading business companies recommendations.
Since in he project is also involved Didactic material Center and Teacher Training departments from our partner organizations, it will provide professional training material development and we have already negotiated with them that the Intellectual output of the will be officially introduced in Professional development courses of academic staff.
The most important project participants – experts who will develop methodology in daily life are teachers at the same time.
Other participants – students, will be involved in the project thanks to lectures. They will not have mandatory action to spend time in project activities, but this will happen in natural way in their daily routine. The project timetable is subordinated to higher education regime that allows us to easily reach our target audience.
The contribution of the project will be observable in significant impact on all the involved – individuals and organizations:
– for the very first time there will be developed a set of innovative methods and approaches for higher education that will be officially included in teachers’ life long learning courses.
– this course will give access for teachers to the range of new teaching tools. Using developed set of innovative teaching methods and approaches, that kind of professional development for teachers will become as standard across all European institutions.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 179569 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi