Entrepreneur and Volunteer Citizens Erasmus Project

General information for the Entrepreneur and Volunteer Citizens Erasmus Project

Entrepreneur and Volunteer Citizens Erasmus Project
August 8, 2023 9:09 am | Last Update: August 7, 2023 9:22 am

Project Title

Entrepreneur and Volunteer Citizens

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship)

Project Summary

The Erasmus entrepreneur and Volunteer citizens project, Entrepreneurial Citizens and Volunteers, KA219, has come to an end after two years of work (2017-2019).
The project has been carried out by five schools in the following countries: Turkey, Northern Republic of Macedonia, Italy, Poland and Spain, the last being the coordinator. The project has brought together in really diverse five schools, but with very similar social values. They all became strongly involved in thisproject and contributed to enrich it with their experiences, but at first, at the first transnational meeting held in Barcelona (December 2017), the partners shared their fears to the project coordinator, Mrs. Núria Vila, who decided to change the order of mobilities written in the application. As partners did not have any specific subject related to Entrepreneurship at their schools as, Sagrada Familia has, they coordinators, in consensus, decided to modify the planning initially set out in the application, to facilitate the development of all the activities described in it. So, the first mobility of students was decided to be in Barcelona in April 2018. The activities in each mobility are the same as in the application. This was not modified at all. The target students were those in secondary stage, but also primary school students, depending on the educational system of the participating countries.
After these two years of association, we can conclude that all schools have discovered that, although there was no subject on their curriculum, for example called “Entrepreneurs”, as it is the case of our school,SAFA, they did perform actions in which the entrepreneurial spirit and personal initiative of their students were promoted. It is therefore one of the achievements of this project: the awareness on the importance of implementing in each of the partner schools entrepreneurial and volunteer actions. For our school, it has been all very significant, since by our charism, we have been able to export something very own and unique at SAFA.
Specific objectives have been satisfactorily achieved. Through the “Learning by Doing” method, the initial purpose was to give students appropriate tasks to develop awareness of being an Entrepreneur and, through the “Learning by Serving” method , they were asked to carry out volunteering actions. Activities such as “Personal Incubators” helped students to develop skills needed to train future citizens. Thait is to say, the so-called “Soft skills”, such as self-confidence, communication/presentation skills, team play…, and also, students lerant about the so-called “Hard skills” such as Finance, ICT and languages.
Volunteering tasks have made it easier for students to cultivate empathy, accept difference, and develop values such as commitment and reponsability.
In addition, the project has offered two great advantages:
-Motivating students to use and improve their English
-Contribute to their global education, in which they enhance a sense of exchange, inclusion and a positive attitude towards the different cultures of the European Union and its values.
Through a Masterclass held in Barcelona with a coach specialized in Entrepreneurship,Mr. Paul Hewitt, students were able to begin to discern what qualities an entrepreneur should have. The final result of the reflections carried out by the students in the different mobilities of these two years has culminated in a manual “Online Handbook” that will be published on the websites of the centres and will also be sent printed copies to the centres for consultation. The manual also includes a detailed description of the entire project development process, so it has become a kind of final project memory, highly recommended for your consultation as well.
Another product that has been shared before each mobility has been the “Travel MAPS”. A very useful guide for students and teachers to prepare each mobility and to be shared with more groups of students interested in meeting the countries involved.
The project has mobilized around 32 teachers and 68 students.
People, accompanying students: 96. Total number of participants: 336. These are general figures, we are sure the impact in all school’s communities has been greater.
See please:

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 122445 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Sredno opshtinsko uchilishte Gjorche Petrov
  • Zespol Placowek Oswiatowych
  • Istituto Comprensivo Pasquale Mattej