European Biographies of Learning and Living Erasmus Project

General information for the European Biographies of Learning and Living Erasmus Project

European Biographies of Learning and Living  Erasmus Project
August 8, 2023 12:00 am | Last Update: August 7, 2023 9:21 am

Project Title

European Biographies of Learning and Living

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2019

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Pedagogy and didactics; Recognition, transparency, certification; Early School Leaving / combating failure in education

Project Summary

European Biographies of Learning and Living => EuLe
Stages of learning are stages of living. In the course of their lives, people experience a lot of different situations of learning – formal and informal ones, either by choice or of necessity. Sometimes people will succeed, sometimes they will fail. They may start once more, but even then, they may fail again. On close examination, peoples’ processes and experiences of learning often show many ruptures.
Particularly in the field of adult education it is important to offer a new chance to people who have previously failed. Very often they need help to organise their everyday lives, to define possible aims and establish a set of rules in order to assess their respective achievements.
This project will mobilise partners from different educational institutions for adult education who want to improve the tools and devices which support and motivate “educationally frustrated” people. Examining and revising the conditions which impede or even seem to prevent peoples’ processes of learning will be at the centre of the project work.
Against this background the focus will be on:
 family backgrounds
 previous educational experiences
 conclusive career planning
 traditional role models
 constant self-determination
In the context of formal and informal adult education we meet students who have so far made various experiences and who now try to build a career based on circumstances which are very different in each case. Students who once tried and failed to pass their A levels sit next to those with A level certificates or proper vocational qualifications who want to improve their opportunities. And both groups are joined by students from abroad whose school systems and qualifications are not always compatible with their present lives.
Some of those students aim straight at a professional career, some want better qualifications to find a new career and others do not know what they want and / or what they have to offer. In a multicultural society, we find divers concepts of living existing side by side. Students at our institutions live different everyday lives: They are
 single parents – mothers or fathers
 working mothers and fathers – some of them do shift work
 women and men who, because of their migration backgrounds, have family ties as well as religious and social bonds which are rather foreign to us
 women and men who are just going through a radical change in their lives
 people who formerly have dropped out of school or college because of psychological strain.
Many of our students are often afflicted by self-doubt, they try to change their lives, to find new openings. They have dropped out of school, they have given up working. Growing up they have had many frustrating experiences so that when they make another attempt the students have accepted other people’s ideas of them as their own and therefore often have little or no confidence in their own gifts and abilities.
Working successfully in the field of adult education means that teachers have to know what kind of students they encounter. Often, however, teachers do not know who the persons are with whom they are working, whom they are trying to teach. For in their everyday work teachers often believe that they are facing a homogeneous group, which in fact is not true. They believe that the students in front of them have a positive attitude towards learning and have taken a conscious decision of their own to come, but then again, this is often not true either.
When we look at the students’ biographies of learning we will recognize that there are
 biographies of learning which are controlled by outside influence, here the details will be enlightening
 fragmented biographies of learning, here we should find out about the different sets of circumstances
 broken biographies of learning, here we have to explore the tangled and multifaceted causes
 gender-related biographies of learning, here we have to examine decisions determined by social roles.
At first biographies of learning will be re-constructed and compared in order to determine backgrounds and effects more exactly. Then we will analyse their relevant factors and finally we will provide tools and devices to be used by teachers and lecturers. These will involve tools used for communication as well as specific training material to improve individual circumstances and to teach strategies of “learning to learn”.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 59825 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Muintearas Teoranta