Evaluation of WBL learning outocomes in EQAVET framework Erasmus Project

General information for the Evaluation of WBL learning outocomes in EQAVET framework Erasmus Project

Evaluation of WBL learning outocomes in EQAVET framework  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Evaluation of WBL learning outocomes in EQAVET framework

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits); Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); Quality Assurance

Project Summary

The General objective of the L.O.W.E. project was the improvement of the quality assurance system, in the evaluation and review phases of the QA cycle, specifically facing the dimensions related to the validation and recognition processes of learning outcomes (LOs) in WBL. This objective was achieved through the development of innovative solutions (IO1 and IO2), also able to integrate the new EQAVET + descriptors, and acting on three EQAVET “building blocks” in WBL, as key elements of quality assurance: – improve – train – assess. The project has produced two IOs: the guidelines for the implementation of the QA + WBL model in the recognition and validation processes of the learning outcomes in WBL and the Toolkit, ie a methodological guide that provides practical tools and operative indications to support school tutors, tutors company, but also of all the teachers of the class board normally not involved in the WBL paths. The developed Toolkit is composed of useful tools tested by schools in the piloting phase of the project which have been developed taking into consideration the four phases of the EQAVET cycle: planning, implementation, evaluation, and review. The partners involved in the project were the Regional School Office for Abruzzo (Italy), as an applicant, ilmiolavoro srl (Italy), responsible for IO2, the IIS Da Vinci De Giorgio (Italy), project manager, Ekami’s (Finland), responsible for IO1, Folkuniversitetet (Sweden), scientific partner, Werkstatt (Germany), responsible for the organization of Learning Activity, Dimitra(Greece) responsible for dissemination. Co-defined learning outcomes have also been established, to integrate the educational dimension and the experiential dimension and to finalize a project in line with the quality assurance criteria defined in the model. The toolkit was equipped with 21 grids, 9 checklists and 4 guides available to teachers also in digital and hypertext form. The tools were tested by partners during the 2018/2019 school year. Testing involved over 750 students. All the tools are easily downloadable from the project site. The teachers were informed about the use of the toolkit in the various countries; thanks to specific training they improved their skills especially in planning and evaluating the Learning Outcomes in WBL paths. The partners sent back detailed reports on the carried out testing highlighting which tools they found useful, which ones should have been modified or integrated. The toolkit was adjusted according to the results of partners’ reports and the comparative study, conducted by the scientific partner Folkuniversitetet. The results achieved are in line with the initial expectations and in particular, (taking into account the testing), the objective of improving learning outcomes in WBL, in a logic of quality assurance, has been completely fulfilled. All of WBL’s paths, out of the total ones included in the piloting phase, have been modified in progress, according to the quantitative and qualitative data acquired in Los monitoring. The project results are evident also in the improved level of involvement of company tutors in the definition of the assessment with school tutors and students demonstrated by the development of co-defined grids and reflection diaries. The objective of the full involvement of the various actors was achieved in all partner countries. In our opinion, the Project Quality is also proved by the increase of some indicators such as ease of use, adaptability, validity of the instruments tested during the piloting phase with particular attention to validation and recognition of LOs. Quality was monitored and evaluated through some questionnaires administrated to the teachers of the testing schools who expressed more than positive opinions. Dissemination, based on the general plan, concerned: the reports (interim and final) sent by each partner; the development of the logo created by students from the Abruzzo region; the development of the project website; links to the project on partner sites; a project facebook page. The impacts observed on school teachers were WBL tutors increased skills; the impacts on the company tutors were: the strengthening of their role in the QA processes of the WBL paths; LOs assessment and monitoring improved skills; increased confidence in schools, with respect to the reliability and validity of the evaluation of LOs that students acquire in WBL; improved ability to collaborate with VET providers. The gratifying results achieved and the validity of the L.O.W.E. toolkit have, in Italy, aroused the interest of the Ministry of Education which expressed the will to propose the same model for the evaluation of the WBL paths of the national school system.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 245381 Eur

Project Coordinator

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Abruzzo & Country: IT

Project Partners

  • Kotkan-Haminan seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä
  • Werkstatt-Berufskolleg Unna
  • ilmiolavoro srl
  • Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Da Vinci – De Giorgio”