General information for the FROM SCHOOL TO LABOUR MARKET Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2018
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal); Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)
Project Summary
The ultimate aim of the project “From School to Labour Market” was to increase the overall quality in VET through developing VET partnerships. All through the cycle of the project it was aimed to draw attention to the difficulties encountered in VETwith a particular focus on the local, regional, national and international dimension. The key areas to develop were to further enhancement of core competencies in VETincluding the introduction of core qualifications in curricula as well as common methodologies for the acquisition, to encourage job-based learning in all forms,to introduce systematic approaches and opportunities for initiating and continuing professional development of VET teachers,trainers and guides in both school-based and job-based contexts and to strengthen the access to training and competence for all.
The target workspaces were scrutinizing the curriculum programs,studying the practical training and apprenticeship systems,the proficiency of VET trainers and compare and contrast the standards of education medium in the partner countries and Europe.
This project were realized within the partnership of 3 countries,Turkey being the coordinator and Italy and Greece as partners. The primary concern was to develop an institutional partnership supporting the set up and implementation of an internationalisedstrategy for VET learners and apprentices and further strengthening key competences in VET, the target groups being vocational high school students, VET teachers/mentors and decision makers in VET.
In the course of the 16-month project period, there were reciprocal visits among the three countries, two of which were TPMs held in Athens/Greece in March 2019 for opening and planning and in Adana/Turkey in January 2020 for evaluating and closing.
IN.F.O.L/Rome –an expert in the field of VET, career planning and teacher training – hosted the visitor partners in June 2019. The Italian partner prepared an educational programme comprising “Effective Teaching and Training for VET Teachers” and the VET standards in Italy and in the EU.Participants were also provided with school visits,meeting sessions with European colleagues and VET students.
When hosting the partners in October 2019, Adana İl MEM prepared an LTT program comprising the VET curriculum and the VET and apprenticeship systems in Turkey. As the local educational authority in the province and having about 1700 affiliated schools, Adana İl MEM held meeting sessions bringing the partners together with provincial decision makers, school directors and VET teachers, organized VET school and VET institution visits so as to share good practices and and sectoral meetings with people in business to handle labour issues.
An association representing more than 4.000 member teachers of secondary VET institutions, the Greek partner,TTA hosted the partners in December 2019. TTA provided the partners with an LTT period evaluating theoretical curriculum programs, practical training programs,vocational training institutions’ problems and solution proposals as well as holding institutional visits, meetings with the national authorities and European colleagues.
Within the scope of our project, various activities such as seminars, workshop events, surveys, academic lectures, etc., were held in order to raise awareness on the importance of VET. The dissemination activities of our project were carried out regularly by all partner institutions to reach as many beneficiaries as possible until after the project ends.
Through seminars, workshops, meetings and document sharing using different tools decision makers, VET school directors, teachers and students were our stakeholders. As well as these, senior students of secondary schools who are to make a choice between VET and academic schools for high school education and their guidance teachers were our stakeholders, too.
Visibility of the project were assured using so many different presentatşon tools and promotional materials in every activity that was held and the obtained outputs were shared through social media and personal contacts and in external/internal presentations, events and conferences.
All the activities held in the scope of the project were conducted with a holistic approach, step by step, timely and in utmost cooperation. Matters like health, safety and education measures, preparation of participants, educational content in line with the purpose and objectives of the project, document support before and after events, cultural and extracurricular activities during LTT periods, executing the dissemination activities and ensuring sustainability were all provided with regular mutual commitments for the quality assurance of the project.
In the short run all sides of the project have developed new institutional perspectives in VET issues and set new and stronger bonds between nations. In the long run, through institutional and corporal collaborations, people’s perspective on vocational education will change and the importance of vocational education will be better understood leading to actual changes in VET policy and practice and there will be new dynamics in VET systems on the basis of new approaches and information compatible with European standards.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 36120 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners