General information for the LET’S BE HEALTHY TOGETHER Erasmus Project

July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Health and wellbeing

Project Summary

“Let’s Be Healthy Together” project responds to the necessity of inculcating and reinforcing continuous improvement in our students’ healthy habits. Improving these habits through sports, having knowledge of the various aspects of nutrition, and inducing the possibilities of healthy leisure that are available within our reach among others, are part of our priorities. In addition, we will do it in an inclusive manner promoting cooperative work among students of different sex, ethnicity, social, cultural, and economic levels.

In no education system in the EU had there been an explicit subject about health education, so in schools, we must work in an interdisciplinary way incorporating subjects such as Social Sciences, Nature Sciences, Mother Tongue, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Art Education, Physical Education, etc. However, it is not a problem that should only be solved in schools, but a global solution from the society as a whole is required.

Therefore, our Erasmus + project will create synergies among the four countries and positively assess these differences, as well as reflect on the necessary conditions to learn how to live together in a common space called Europe. The project also aims to increase awareness of health education among teachers, families, and local education authorities.

At the same time, we intend to improve the knowledge our young people have of other countries and help them appreciate diversity thanks to the European nature of the project. The fostering in families will be a source of personal enrichment that will help improve the quality of education and the growth of our students through the exchange of experiences. This will allow our students to be productive in the present and be prepared for their future as European citizens.

The project is aimed at students between 10 and 12 years old to motivate them to participate in the pleasures of learning and boost the necessary acclimatization of the foreign languages involved. In turn, the teachers will facilitate the comparison and adaptation of teaching skills.

The use of foreign languages when planning and carrying out different activities and the constant communication with people from different cultures will help each member collaborate to improve their linguistic competence and learn to respect the cultural diversity of the European Community.

Throughout the project we will conduct a wide variety of activities such as the promotion of healthy breakfasts, school olympics, popular games, knowledge of different sports practices to do both during school periods and after them, familiarity of the culture and gastronomy from different countries in Europe, creation of a website to publicize our work, and many more. We will do it equally among our students in inclusive ways that even our students with fewer opportunities are accorded similar essential provisions of enrichment.

For teachers, it will also be an opportunity to participate in exchanges and debates, which will allow a critical vision of ways in which each country works and tries to achieve its objectives. We will adapt strategies, pedagogical methodologies, and communicative techniques to achieve cultural openness, learn different ways to address common objectives, and improve personal relationships and teaching practices.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 94901,57 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • 4o Primary School of N. Smyrni
  • Scuola Secondaria di primo grado Alighieri Tanzi
  • Zespol Szkol w Kamieniu