General information for the LET’S ENJOY OUR HERITAGE Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Creativity and culture; Early School Leaving / combating failure in education
Project Summary
The Project LET’S ENJOY OUR HERITAGE, a partnership cooperation among 5 countries, has greatly contributed to reduce the number of students endangered of risk of early school leaving, using a set of innovative and attractive activities concerning the several aspects of HERITAGE. Even if from different backgrounds and different countries, the learning barriers among our students are similar.Thanks to the Project, our struggle to devise innovative strategies and approaches in our educational mission better succeded attracting our most “difficult” students to stay at school and be more active. As pedagogical studies say, we can confirm that learning about the cultural heritage and natural environment through the concept of “action-centred learning”,motivate ,pupils to learn and display creative-artistic expression,and be actively involved in their communities.At the end of our experience, indeed, such a kind of projects, inspired by the historical, cultural and natural heritage of their environment, are an effective way of encouraging pupils’ identity development and sensitivity towards the arts and cultural values,and prevent early school leaving.
4 Groups were influenced by the activities and results of the Project:students of the participating institutions,expert teachers about heritage,ICT, English;the students’ parents,the local community,local and European authorities,local schools, learning centres,universities where students will continue their education.
We exploited our different know-how and good practices to design,test,validate and implement Natural, Historical, Artistic,Intangible European HERITAGE,enabled students with different backgrounds and future to be main actors in their learning process.
The choice of the theme-the examination of different aspects of cultural and environmental heritage-led to acquire various skills contributing both to the understanding of history,art,architecture, landscape of the territory, and the formation of the sense of belonging and responsibility towards cultural heritage,since it’s often seen as foreign to their everyday experience,and can become element of guidance to the profession and to following studies.
Direct experience,research in the area as a chance for technical and practical activities,consolidation of knowledge,sources,direct contact with the cultural or natural good,critical revision helped to grasp the size of “common good” and identity,recognize value of the cultural property,personal reproduction of a good,experimentation of the evident recognition of abilities and skills implicit in the production of the cultural property.
This Project was innovative because it involved a lot of non-formal teaching and learning to reduce student anxiety for school performance, and was inclusive for all students regardless of social or academic background.We suggested technology as a tool to preserve,care about and exploit the HERITAGE digital natives have,and where they are unconsciously immersed,although technological changes have altered their approach to the cultural Heritage.
According to the theme,we
-Increased the sense of belonging to the cultural heritage, connecting visually and emotionally the students with the legacy of the past and solicit proposals for a sustainable future
-Recognized the cultural and natural heritage as a common good inherited and to transmit
-Developed pathways of reflection and experience to the knowledge and understanding of the area as a “cultural heritage spread”, so that young people interacted with institutions, production entities and cultural ones for the detection of cognitive actions and training.
Transnational meetings motivated teachers and students,as they contributed to both the ‘smart growth’-improving levels of education and training-and the ‘inclusive growth’-by acting on one of the main risk factors of social exclusion.In short-term exchanges students were hosted in families,they got the opportunity to travel abroad,met new people, learnt about new cultures and foreign languages,practiced English.Some Spanish and Italian students even exchanged visits by themselves, regardless of project planned dates.
We confirm our belief in valorization of the cultural,historical,environmental heritage and its specific social groups are the best way to let students feel involved in their future choices,be aware of the importance of past evidence for their best wellness and welfare as adult citizens,as well as to implement multiculturalism and fight racism and xenophobia. We invite Europe to respond to the social, political and economic challenges of the culture sector. Project and its results are universal, can be used by any educational institution(the actions are relatively short) and can be used separately without the loss of any vital result It will last in all partnership schools for years, growing its potential. Its broad and current theme makes it compatible even with the 17″sustainability” objectives of 2030.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 95330 Eur
Project Coordinator
Istituto Comprensivo Velletri Centro & Country: IT
Project Partners
- Jonavos r. Barupes mokykla
- Agrupamento de Escolas Viseu Norte
- Gymnasio Kolymvariou
- Zespol Szkol nr1 w Lazach
- Fundación Marillac-Colegio La Milagrosa