Program and Material Development Workshop was held

Under the umbrella of the Turkish Railway Academy, TCDD and TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. The first program and material development workshop of “Digitization in Railway Education – DigiRAIL (VET), where our trainers and field experts and Certifer Turkey representatives, one of our project partners, came together, was held in Afyonkarahisar between 21-24 October 2021. The Digital […]
Program and Material Development Workshop was held
October 24, 2021 12:56 pm

Under the umbrella of the Turkish Railway Academy, TCDD and TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. The first program and material development workshop of “Digitization in Railway Education – DigiRAIL (VET), where our trainers and field experts and Certifer Turkey representatives, one of our project partners, came together, was held in Afyonkarahisar between 21-24 October 2021.

The Digital Transformation Project in Railway Education, which aims to develop a blended education model that includes online and face-to-face training for railway professions such as Train Driver, Wagon Technician, Traffic Controller, Train Manager, Railway Line Maintenance Repairer, Rail Systems Signaling Maintenance, will carry railway education to the future in the digitalized world. is one of the key initiatives.

Trainings prepared using virtual reality technology, web tools and digital materials with the completion of the “Digitization Project in Railway Education – DigiRAIL(VET)”, which is among the projects worthy of grant support by the European Union Education and Youth Programs Center Presidency (Turkish National Agency) within the scope of Erasmus+. will create added value for all employees in the sector, thus a big step will be taken to carry railway education to the digital future.