Promoting Webinar-Based Youth Non-Formal Education in Southeast Europe Erasmus Project
General information for the Promoting Webinar-Based Youth Non-Formal Education in Southeast Europe Erasmus Project
Project Title
Promoting Webinar-Based Youth Non-Formal Education in Southeast Europe
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Open and distance learning; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
Project Summary
The project will involve the following activities:
1. Organization of 6 transnational project partner meetings;
2. Developing 4 webinar curricula for non-formal education with young people
4. Further development and updating of 1 (existing) regional portal on e-learning;
4. Organization of at least 36 webinars (12 by project partner) delivering the developed webinar curricula for young people.
The 6 transnational project meetings will serve the purpose of regular project coordination and communication. Three of the meetings will be held in the first year of implementation and the other three in the second year of implementation.
The curricula will be developed in four broad thematic areas of particular relevance to non-formal education work with youth, including employment/employability, civic engagement and empowerment, intercultural education, and social entrepreneurship. The specific webinar themes will be developed collaboratively by the partners and based on assessment of themes and issues which are of particular interest to young people. Each curricula will consist of a series of short (40-60 minute) classes, which will combine lectures and discussions. To the extent possible (to be assessed) some curricula could be combined with in-between sessions individual assignments (homework). The intention however will be not to overburden participants with assignments given the generally low interest in education among young people.
The regional portal on e-learning will aim to serve as a central resource for young learners who are interested in webinars and online courses. The portal will collect and disseminate information on: available webinars in the broader region, it will store resources on e-learning which will be collected from relevant stakeholders; it will feature articles and discussions on e-learning, provide technical advice, etc. Specific sections of the web portal and the associated social network pages will be dedicated to young learners. The web portal will be managed by the coordinator, but all partners will take part in provision of content and data. They will be required to identify webinar opportunities, invite experts to contribute, write articles themselves, share content, promote the portal to young people, take part in and moderate discussions, promote online surveys, etc. The portal will be a major effort in the project and it will act as the principal dissemination tool hence the contribution of each partner will be coordinated on regular basis.
The project partners will organize at least 36 webinars during the project. Each partner will be required to organize at least 12 webinars (6 per year). The webinars will be an educational vehicle which will deliver the developed curricula to young learners across the region. In addition, the webinars will be a dissemination tool and they will promote the benefits of webinar-based teaching. Each partner will be responsible for broadly promoting its webinars, participant selection and registration, selection of presenters and discussants, and delivery of the webinar. The objectives of the webinars will be consistent and some of the core material will be common but the partners will have the autonomy to produce their own webinar. They could decide on selection of discussants, specific focus of their presentations, etc. The primary target of the webinars will be young learners from the partner countries and the SEE region
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 44645 Eur
Project Coordinator
Development Solusns DOOEL & Country: MK
Project Partners
- Foundation “Forty two”