Adventure with theater – drama as an innovative teaching method Erasmus Project

General information for the Adventure with theater – drama as an innovative teaching method Erasmus Project

Adventure with theater – drama as an innovative teaching method Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Adventure with theater – drama as an innovative teaching method

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Creativity and culture; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills

Project Summary

Primary schools from Poland, Romania and Croatia prepared educational Project for teachers, pupils, other schools and local/regional bodies, parents. The main theme is drama – as a method – using by teachers of different subjects: history, maths, art, language learning. Second aim is using drama as a tool for working with kids who have dyslexia problems and develop quality of school theatres.
First step of project activities will based on analyse needs of teachers in each country. Schools will be responsible for searching and choosing most adequate materials for them developed in the past in their countries. The main activities are three training courses, each for 15 teachers from all countries.
The main aim of first activity is learn participants how to work during typical classes using drama methods, how to prepare scenarios, what are the most popular techniques.
Second will be more practical: preparing own scenarios, several excercises, evaluation methods for asses influence of drama.
The last one will have more pedagocical input: participants will learn how drama could be used with dyslexia problems and providing school theatre.
Common point of each training will be study visits In those schools, ngo’s, institutions where drama is using as a educational tool. It will be interesting overview of good practices from Poland, Romania and Croatia.
Tangible results of project will be:
– Database of drama scenarios and workshops prepared by participants;
– Using drama as a tool in each partner school;
– Consultations for parents of kids with dyslexia problems showing them potential of drama;
– Life example lessons for teachers from local and regional community of each school;
– Theatre spectacle for local community prepared by on the same scenario, presented by each school;
– Network between school theatres from partner schools;
– Articles prepared by participating teachers published in professional medias (newspapers,
The drama method has been used in the school for many years, according to the analysis has a positive impact on students in many areas. In our project, we want to emphasize the impact that drama has on creative problem-solving, and the ability to combine knowledge and experience in different areas. We want the project to help our teachers in the dissatisfaction of this method, which is perceived as a tool mainly reserved for theater professionals but not for teachers.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 28375 Eur

Project Coordinator

Publiczna Szkola Podstawowa Nr 4 z klasami sportowymi im. Ireny Szewinskiej w Pultusku & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • Osnovna skola Ivana Mazuranica
  • Colegiul Auto Traian Vuia