Alliance for Social entrepreneurship Erasmus Project

General information for the Alliance for Social entrepreneurship Erasmus Project

Alliance for Social entrepreneurship Erasmus Project
January 1, 2023 12:00 am

Project Title

Alliance for Social entrepreneurship

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2019

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Social entrepreneurship / social innovation; Open and distance learning

Project Summary

During the recent years, the third sector in several EU countries has seen changing its face, appropriating of a long-awaited Regulatory Code. This drive for change and innovation results out of needs and demands that have emerged at multiple levels, by more actors in the non-profit sector, and therefore is leading to a transition from a welfare state model towards a welfare or civil society, supported by a generational change of ideas and approaches.

It is in this perspective of civil economy, that does not oppose the state to the market, or the market to the civil society, and which shows how in the market can and must operate simultaneously both capitalist companies and social enterprises, that fit the valorisation of the social impact and its measurement. This is the reason why processes that foster social entrepreneurship education and resources that enhance individual participation in such learning programs are more than necessary, in view of contributing to such development and strengthening of the civil society.

In this context, the need of educational opportunities on social entrepreneurship seems arising, since it is a way of providing solutions to social problems and at the same time is stimulating economic growth and new employment perspectives. In a time in which unemployment is rising everywhere in EU, empowering individuals with the competences to create their own job is pivotal. Therefore, based on the experience of the partners and their needs, on the relevance of the subject towards EU Policies, as well on the long term potential for cooperation with actors in diverse fields, the project ASE aims at fostering the development of transversal skills related to social entrepreneurship, by using innovative and learner-centered pedagogical approach. ASE will address educators working with adult learners and will strive to foster social entrepreneurship education by creating a specialised and learner-driven Open Educational Resources (OER), dedicated to development of competences for creating social innovation, third sector entities and social enterprises.

The specific project objectives set up by the promoters are:
• To enhance entrepreneurial mind-sets among adults by strengthening the educational offer and providing opportunities for building skills in the field of social entrepreneurship;
• To raise awareness about the existence of specific tools for development of a social start-up, such as the Social Business Model Canvas and numerous best practices in Europe that could be reproduced in other countries
• To support social entrepreneurship education through the elaboration of an OER as tangible outcome, offering a specific guide for the development of the 3rd sector entities, in particular on initiating social enterprises and innovation
• To raise competences, exchange and disseminate good practices related to social entrepreneurial education within adult educational entities and not only
• To support quality improvements and extension of the offer of learning opportunities tailored to individual learners, thanks to establishing cross-sectorial cooperation among stakeholders

The project involves entities from 6 countries and will enrol adult educators, trainers and experts in the creation of 3 intellectual outputs that will support the implementation of social entrepreneurship education at EU level. The outputs that the project will produce relate to the creation of research for the relevant state of art and framework of the social economy sector nowadays, as well to the development of free access online educational content and materials tackling the topic of social entrepreneurship education. All created outputs are very relevant for the needs of the partners promoters and their target groups within the involved communities.

Thanks to its activities and outputs produced, the project ASE will work towards the development of entrepreneurial mindsets in the field of social economy at EU level, better awareness of benefits brought by lifelong learning programs and the community needs for social entrepreneurship education. It is expected to bring valuable impact on local and international level in terms of teaching entrepreneurship, creating social innovation and development of social start ups in the different EU communities.

Thanks to its activities and deliverables it is expected that the interest of target groups towards engagements in social entrepreneurship and international lifelong learning programs will increase, as well as the interest on how functions the 3rd social economy sector and for real creation of social innovation. The focus on social entrepreneurship education is embedded as a positive impact at all levels, since the creation of new social enterprises and entities of the 3rd sector, as well the reinforced focus on social economy will positively affect the different communities and will allow further creation of social changes.

Project Website

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 144082 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • “Horizont ProConsult” EOOD
  • Piepildito sapnu istaba
  • Mine Vaganti NGO