Bee Live Erasmus Project
General information for the Bee Live Erasmus Project
Project Title
Bee Live
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Social/environmental responsibility of educational institutions; Environment and climate change; Civic engagement / responsible citizenship
Project Summary
Context: Our project is based on training our students to become eco-delegates active in the fight against the loss of biodiversity. We have brought together four high schools which have the same ambition of giving young people the ambition to engage in an active and civic approach to preserving their living environment and its wealth. The general context is defined by the Green Pact initiated by the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Leyen, who makes the EU economist sustainable by guaranteeing a just and inclusive transition.
Number and profile of participants: 4 classes will initiate our project that means 132 students. The teachers currently involved are 15 in number at the moment, but we hope to expand in each school. (this is part of our objectives).
Description of activities The activities are both virtual and face to face. We have already started virtual work via an eTwinning project. Our activities for the next two years will turn around 4 themes: urban biodiversity, biodiversity in schools, biodiversity and food production, and finally the protection of biodiversity in a national park. Throughout the project the students will exchange their knowledge. At the very end of the project they will draft a motion for a resolution which they will send to the European Parliament. The bee and the pollinators will be the common thread of all our activities, hence the name of our project: BEE LIVE (name chosen by a vote of the students participating in the preliminary eTwinning project).
Methodology used to carry it out: Our methodology consists of alternating virtual projects on eTwinning and presenting activities with an activity in each of the high schools, associated with a dedicated eTwinning project. Our work schedule is clearly established with a recurring rhythm: etwinning project / learning activity. All classes will be involved from the start thanks to the eTwinning platform and in small groups they will participate in specific face-to-face activities. (during the 2 years th whole class will have a mobility))
Short description of the expected results and impacts: We expect in terms of tangible results:
for students: awareness of environmental and climate challenges in a European approach and not only local or national. . We also expect from this project an improvement in transversal skills such as the deepening and improvement of the capacity for collaborative and teamwork. We also aspire to improve language skills through innovative activities and using information and communication technologies.
Long-term benefits: We aim to best prepare our students to become agents of change. Where better than at school can we learn to become active, sensitive and responsible citizens?
In addition, by bringing them the experience of teamwork, we will better prepare them for their integration into the world of work, hopefully going through training time in Europe.
On the other hand, the expected benefits are the same for the teaching teams, teachers, management and all other members of the educational community. For all adults, the project is also the place for a professional development opportunity. The involvement of everyone in eTwinning projects for monitoring and managing our partnership allows us to adopt the required good practices.
The schools aspire to win the etwinning school label through this partnership, like our Portuguese colleagues who will thus fully play their role as leaders in terms of good practices.
This summary is proposed in April 2020, that is to say during the lockdown which all the participants are facing with. Our working schedule was prepared in January 2020, that is to say before the health crisis. Of course we are aware of the risks which weigh on the implementation of our project especially with activities P1 (launching meeting at Povoa de Lanhoso planned in September 2020) and C1 (Ljubljana’s learning activity planned in October 2020). We know that this program will undoubtedly have to be reassessed in the light of the evolution of the crisis and the imperatives imposed by national regulations in terms of intra-community traffic. We are ready to all apply our acquired skills in terms of teleworking during lockdown, for face-to-face activities. The use of the eTwinning platform will then become more important.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 123900 Eur
Project Coordinator
cite-scolaire-pss & Country: FR
Project Partners
- Liceo Scientifico Statale Ernesto Basile
- Agrupamento de Escolas Póvoa de Lanhoso
- Gimnazija Jozeta Plecnika Ljubljana