Big Ocean Of Knowledge Erasmus Project
General information for the Big Ocean Of Knowledge Erasmus Project
Project Title
Big Ocean Of Knowledge
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; ICT – new technologies – digital competences
Project Summary
The project entitled ‘BOOK – Big Ocean of Knowlegde’ was created by five schools from Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, Spain and Romania as a continuation of the etwinning project. It has been focused on improving one of the most fundamental life skill as it is literacy competence. Taking the Europe 2020 objectives into consideration, the project was designed to delived knowledge-based growth and consequently to get interest teenagers into the history of books, old texts as well as modern technologically improved books in an effective, challenging and rewarding way. By solving a variety of tasks the students were going to create the natural habit of reading, finding it pleasurable and fruitful activity as well as a chance to know the history of book industry. The activities were designed to be like a path of steps how the books changed their appearance – from pictograms, rich illustrated, hand-written situated in libraries to modern style online blogs, e-books, technologically improved blogs, computer or mobile displays to augmented books. What’s more, for the participants the historical review of old books and middle-aged texts to the twentieth century blockbusters was a key of understanding the role of book in a human civilization. All the tasks were designed for the students who were eager to take part in the project and develop linguistic skills. It consisted of five stages that each partner was responsible for and the last, sixth common part – we couldn’t organise the last part because of Covid19 when schools in all the countries were closed in lockdown but we managed to make all the materials accessible online. We tried to get students involved into online activities only.
The first part of the project “The history of books” (Turkey) was based on the beginning of making books, from clay tablets and old folk tales.
The second part “Books throughout history” (Poland) was focused on different books through history and a piece of old lifestyle.
The third part “Modern reading” (Romania) was devoted to reading habits, devices that can encourage or discourage to read as well as press and media phenomenon nowadays.
The fourth part “The Digital Library” (Spain) was connected with old libraries and their current use; the students will work on methods that can use with comprehend the text.
The fifth part “Future books” (Lithuania) was focused the future of books, eco-books, predicting the shape of reading and making the future book.
The sixth part “Smart reading” (Poland) – it was planned as an international conference focused on reading techniques and strategies focused on reading purposes that were be implemented into own learning and teaching process after the project plus the students’ pannel discussion. Due to Covid 19 we exchanged our methodological knowledge, experience and skills online and we prepared a variety of materials to those who are interested in. Because of pandemic regulations we weren’t able to manage the last mobility but we did our best to finish all the actions and exchange knowledge and skills.
One of the most beneficial results is that the project challenged all school communities to launch Book Lovers Clubs in order to influence the reading habits and share the project participants experience on local level inviting families to take part in reading activities as well. The students took part in travels developing linguistic and social skills and broadened their horizons. All the tasks has been carried with ICT tools what boosted the motivation and fun in talking about books.
All the materials were regularly uploaded on the Internet to get a chance to make them be accessible to more people involved in. The project will be a great adventure and a challenge both to the students and teachers.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 85829,25 Eur
Project Coordinator
Publiczne Gimnazjum w Binarowej & Country: PL
Project Partners
- Silale school for adults
- Scoala Gimnaziala”Alexandru Deparateanu”
- Suadiye Ilkokulu
- CE Zola Villafranca