Bringing Safety on the Roads Erasmus Project

General information for the Bringing Safety on the Roads Erasmus Project

Bringing Safety on the Roads  Erasmus Project
January 1, 2023 12:00 am

Project Title

Bringing Safety on the Roads

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2019

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Access for disadvantaged; Inclusion – equity; Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law)

Project Summary

Every year a number of approx. 30,000 car accidents are taking place in the EU taking the life or severely injuring thousands of citizens. To counteract this phenomenon, European Commission has adopted a document called Policy Orientations 2011-2020 setting itself a target of reducing the number of road deaths by half. The same objective was adopted by the UN to reduce by half the number of deaths by 2030 at the international level. In the same time, the project contributes to other transversal priorities, such as reducing poverty. As we know reducing re-offending could contribute to reducing in poverty among the offenders.

One of the main reasons behind the car accidents are: driving without licence, driving under the influence of alcohol and overspending (or dangerous driving). To combat these offences, member states have adopted severe legislation that send offenders with this sort of behaviour under probation supervision or in prisons. In Romania, the proportion of road offenders out of the total number of probationers is 47% in 2018 (NAP, Annual Report 2018). In spite of this huge number of offenders with this kind of offending history, there is no correctional program available that is up to date and evidence based or offender informed at the European level.

This is the aim of this project: to take an existing program in Portugal (STOP Responsibility and Safety) and up-date it in line with the research evidence and offender expectations. In order to achieve this aim, the project team will:
– undertake a thorough literature review and collection of good practices,
– will design a new program – Bringing Safety on the roads – BriSaR.
– will pilot it and evaluate it for its impact
– will provide training of trainers in three jurisdictions
– will manualize both the program and the evaluation tool.

The innovative side of the program is that it will take an existing program in Portugal and will up-date it using the research evidence, examples of good practice and the opinion of offenders with road offences history. Another innovation of this project is that it will incorporate the evaluation into the program so the program leaders will be able to collect feedback on their performance as they run the program.

It is expected that a number of at least 30 professionals and volunteers and 45 offenders will benefit directly from the program. In the same time, we expect that indirectly a significant number of offenders will benefit from the program once it is developed and tested. Only in Romanian, a number of Aproximar. 47,000 offenders under probation supervision could benefit from this program.

By reducing the re-offending among this group of offenders, we expect that the program will contribute to the reduction of car accidents and indirectly to the decrease in the number of deaths on the road, which is the European Commission long term target.

Project Website

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 150108,53 Eur

Project Coordinator

European Strategies Consulting & Country: RO

Project Partners

  • Adalet Bakanligi Ankara Denetimli Serbestlik Müdürlügü