Bringing young mothers back to education Erasmus Project
General information for the Bringing young mothers back to education Erasmus Project
Project Title
Bringing young mothers back to education
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Gender equality / equal opportunities; Early School Leaving / combating failure in education; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
Project Summary
BYMBE Project is building up on a national Austrian Project called “Job Navi” , which was developped within a set of measures targeting NEETs in Vienna and accomaning studies how to face ESL and lifelong consequences of it. “Job Navi” was designed by Doris Landauer due to the specific problems faced by young girls getting pregnant and who do not finish their professional education. This concern is a problem throughout Europe, not yet adressed by comparable measures.
BYMBE partnership a consortium of expert partners with supplementary competences in counseling, motivaitonal training, women and youth work and dissemination activities from 6 european countries: Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Irland and Spain – now aims to develop a transfer of parts of this best practice to a) other countries and b) to include outreach services outside big national centers. Thus the project will focus on the adaption to national contexts regarding education and accreditation systems and to local service provision in the partner countries. All partners will implement the project in smaller centers. Palermo and Dublin are of about over 500.000 inhabitants, Kaunas, Gijon and Innsbruck are at about 400.000, 275.000 and 122.000 and the Bulgarian partner, is going to implement the activities with target groups in Haskovo region (250.000 inhabitants).
Identified TARGET GROUPS of the project:
• Direct Targets: Young mothers aged 15-25 who have not finished their professional education (IO2,4,5,6) and Social Workers (IO1 and 3)
• Indirect Targets: Social workers, teachers, trainers, other stakeholders in the field and general public for dissemination;
Based on the above information the overall objective of the project is to improve social inclusion of young mothers, which are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) by bringing them back to school (education or training). The specific project objectives reflect the holistic and innovative nature of the approach chosen by the partners.
• Adapt & promote good practices of support for young mothers for going back to school or in employment in Europe
• Develop innovative outreach strategy & motivational campaign for awareness raising on the issue
• Support social workers and trainers by provision of additional tools, knowledge and skills for their work with YM
• Develop holistic support instruments for YM, including counseling, training, peer-groups s.o.
• Disseminate project results and raise awareness about the problem and how to address it
The overall longterm IMPACT of the BYMBE project will be to raise the general awareness of the risk to be exposed to poverty of young mothers dropping out education and to motivate young mothers to re-enter education.
Most important on shortterm during the lifetime of the BYMBE project is the development of a successful support package for young mothers which will be implemented in a pilot with min. 12 young mothers from 6 countries (all together 72) are expected to re-enter education. They will be the pioneers for promotion of the project tools after the project end.
In the last period of the project the results will be mainstreamed to key players in the field by direct interviews and multiplier events in every country with totally 200 participants in order to mainstream the project on national and european level.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 227787,5 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Tribli Company Limited by Guarantee
- Bimec Ltd.