Broadcasting Europe Erasmus Project
General information for the Broadcasting Europe Erasmus Project
Project Title
Broadcasting Europe
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; ICT – new technologies – digital competences
Project Summary
The idea of “Broadcasting Europe” project comes from the desire of creating a cooperation network and a transnational exchange between no profit and institutional European bodies based in 4 different countries: Italy, Greece, Poland and Spain. The overall aim of the project is to promote the knowledge and the skills of the partners involved and put it in an international network in order to make them more aware about their potential and development.
The project focuses on the use of web radios to facilitate the communication on different levels. A web radio can represent a sample tool and a space where it is possible to share free opinions and ideas. The project wants to replicate and broaden this phenomenon at a European level by this network strategy. This tool will be used, for example, by those organizations that want to facilitate the access to the public to some opportunities within the Erasmus+ programme (e.g. EVS) or simply disseminate the results of some project achieved. The importance to have a variegated network is important then.
In particular, the partners involved together with their added value will be:
-“Warrols”, an Italian no profit organisation born in 2013 with the goal to promote innovative and experimental activities in order to facilitate the birth and development of new young businesses, promoted and managed by young people with fewer opportunities;
-“RadioJp”, an Italian no profit organisation born to follow up the project called “EuroWebRadio” financed within the ex-youth program “Youth in Action -1.2”. This youth organisation is a model of social and cultural aggregation -addressed to young people of its local community- by the use of the web radio as a no profit tool to reach social goals;
-“Europe4Youth”, “You in Europe”, “Building Bridges” are 3 no profit organisation from Poland, Greece and Spain, which have a remarkable knowledge in the promotion of culture and European integration by the management of European transnational funds;
– “Geniko Lykeio Agios Nikolaos,Halkidiki” and the “Majorana” High school are both public bodies; the first one is a Greek high school -very active within youth policy and with a good background in youth projects. The second one is an Italian high school, which promote youth exchange projects for students and school staff.
Starting from the analysis of the experience and knowledge of the project partners and identifying the need to build up a network between the parties in order to:
-promote and exploit the role of the bodies working within the youth aggregation;
-build a transnational network, which allow the exchange of good procedures and knowledge;
-support the development of social entrepreneurial expertise needed by the job market of the young people involved by the partners;
they have built a project with the goal to create a strategic partnership, which replicate the “RadioJp” model, in other words the birth of no profit web radios promoted and managed by youth people under 35 years old.
This network will foster:
-the promotion of the activities and knowledge of each partner and each person of the partnership;
-the creation of innovative replicable web radio shows;
-the diffusion of the news, acts and calls issued by the European Union by specific web radio shows;
-the promotion of educational contents linked with youth entrepreneurship
The majority of the activities will be manged by the organisation “Warrols”, specialized in the promotion of innovative and experimental activities in order to facilitate the birth and development of new young businesses. So that, other activities raised by the project will be: the development of a web network with the goal to broadcast a common web radio shows schedule; the creation of an opportunity map focused on job opportunities, internships and volunteering within other European web radios; the development of a e-learning and open license platform addressed to social entrepreneurship and development of new web radios. The project envisages also the organisation -in the Italian city Putignano- of a final meeting (with debates, workshops, live shows etc.) addressed to European web radios, social entrepreneurship and local community.
The methodology to be used throughout the project is non-formal and informal learning. The activities will be both outdoor and indoor. Together with the partners, the head partner Warrols has in charge the organization and monitoring of the activities, an efficient strategy of visibility, a positive impact in the local, regional and European community and good management of public fund.
In a long term prospective, the project will encourage the birth and develop of new web radios among different European bodies and the engagement of more and more young people –especially those with few opportunities-, which will be bearers and promoters of new, innovative, creative and entrepreneurial ideas and projects.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 64826 Eur
Project Coordinator
Associazione di Promozione Sociale Warrols & Country: IT
Project Partners
- Geniko Lykeio Agios Nikolaos,Sithonia,Halkidiki
- LICEO Majorana-Laterza
- Associazione RadioJP