Call for Participants – Preventizer Training (18.4 – 25.4.2021, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia)

We decided to promote critical thinking in this fight against hate. In order to do this we created a project we are inviting you to join and help us develop further. We want to create new approaches in ensuring that hate is countered through education and stimulation of thinking. For this reason we are gathering …

Call for Participants – Preventizer Training (18.4 – 25.4.2021, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia) Read More »

Call for Participants – Preventizer Training (18.4 – 25.4.2021, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia)
March 23, 2021 3:25 pm

We decided to promote critical thinking in this fight against hate. In order to do this we created a project we are inviting you to join and help us develop further.
We want to create new approaches in ensuring that hate is countered through education and stimulation of thinking.
For this reason we are gathering people from Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia to work on preventing and countering hate speech.
How we will do it?
Step 1: We created modules for you to become educators and peer educators helping prevent and counter hate speech.
Step 2: We organize a ToT for formal and non-formal educators to become Preventizers of hate speech.
Step 3: We plan Preventizers pilot programs and feedback on how we can improve what we do.
Step 4: We organize a training for peer educators willing to help us counter hate speech and become Counterizers.
Step 5: Counterizers pilot their work and tell us how we can improve it.
Step 6: We create a Pool of Preventizers and Counterizers and support them to learn.
Step 7: We create some digital space where all of this knowledge can be multiplied online through e-learning.
Now we are calling you to become a proud member of the Pool of Preventizers by joining us in the ToT for Preventizers (step 2)
If you are from Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia…ask yourself:
 Would you like to know more about the ways to fight fake news?
 Are you interested in developing counter narrativesagainst hate speech online?
 Do you think that critical thinking should become a part of formal and non-formal education?
If you are interested in this topic and you are:
 a youth workerwith more than 3 years of experience or ateacher working actively with young people,

 Familiar with the topic of hate speech onlineand have experience in teaching critical thinking,
 Ready to learnand actively participate in the training,
You should apply for the trainings that we have prepared for you!

This is what you may learn in this ToT:
 At our training you will get skills and knowledge needed forboosting critical thinkingof young people for countering hate speech online.
 Together with you we willprepare an innovative online curricula for the prevention of online hate speech, called
 In this project we are offering you a chance to become a part of “THINK- Don’t hate”Pool of Trainers.
 Together we willprepare workshops you will hold in your local community.

Location: Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
Dates: 18.4 – 25.4.2021
You can apply if you are coming from Montenegro, Serbia, Greece, North Macedonia or Kosovo*
All the costs related to your travel, accommodation, food, training materials will be covered by organizers.
Please fil in the application form on the following link:
DEADLINE: 1st of April, 2021