Civic skills and innovative Pedagogies Erasmus Project
General information for the Civic skills and innovative Pedagogies Erasmus Project
Project Title
Civic skills and innovative Pedagogies
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal); EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy
Project Summary
The CIVIC (French for Innovative Cooperation towards Civic Interdisciplinarity) project is part of the horizontal priority of the Erasmus+ programme of development of basic and cross-disciplinary competences among students that aims at developping civic competences and European values. Its goal was to lessen lacks in the European educational systems concerning the acquisition of civic competences by offering a united approach with common references.
The education to civic rights is the responsibility of the whole educational team, thus the project offered to integrate in different curriculae (communication, science, IT), civic education notions thanks to cross-disciplinary common activities as well as created inovative educational projects.
CIVIC spanned over 2 years and gathered 8 senior high schools and about 380 students from 15 to 18 years of age : 280 students in Tours, 20 students in Felgueiras, Portugal, 20 in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 20 in Modena, Italy, 10 in Romans sur Isère, France, 10 in Suceava, Romania, 10 in Jelenia Gora and in Warsaw, Poland. 2 or 3 ambassador-students per school and per mobility have produced intellectual cross-disciplinary works based on key competences in the French language.
The first activity consisted in a workshop on the rules accepted by all to be part of a community. The target group studied their school rules and functioning. Then, the ambassadors wrote a set of Transnational Cooperation Rules and Regulations afterwards applied to the following mobilities and integrated in the partner’s high schools rules. Finally the ambassadors directed a video advertisement illustrating the rules for being part of a community and submitted it to the Italian Ministry of Education. The second activity was devoted to the European identity by studying a local patrimony and its management. During each mobility, at least one patrimonial visit was organized. The third one favoured the knowledge of European civic values through the analysis of legal texts, the creation of a photographs exhibition on the failure to respect and a debate around the respect of these values in the world. The fourth one focused on the knowledge of the democratic functioning of the European institutions with the writing of a bill defending a civic value and the signature of a petition to support this bill, the visit of the European Parliament and of the European institutions district in Strasbourg. The fifth one was about adopting an eco-friendly behaviour by the creation of a common ecological footprint and of a code of 10 eco-friendly habits. The sixth one was devoted to the priciples of justice thanks to a questionnaire about discriminations, the comparison of national under-age justices and the writing of a leaflet about the European justice. The seventh one aimed at provoking a reflection on the principles of solidarity by promoting surveys with local charities and by highlighting the experience of volunteer students.
The students from the target group acquired civic knowledge and competences, a wider autonomy in leading surveys with participants of the civil society and in the documentary researches that they learned to summarize thanks to IT tools. They boosted their creativity by producing diverse intellectual works and expanded their knowledge of the European culture through the patrimonial visits. Finally, they developped their reasoning and critical mind thanks to debates, for instance.
The aim was to promote the involvement of the students in one or several areas of the society (political, voluntary, legal, cultural, environmental) so that they would become active members of their community, experts in the pursuit of the activities of the project and originators for new civic actions and for the respect of the European values and Human fundamental rights . On the long term, the civic competences developped by the students should increase their ability to find an employment and their capacity to evolve professionally. The intellectual work of the project, the book CIVIC, presents inovative work methods and contents , offering a new key competence (civic education), for the three different fields : language and communication, sciences and IT. The content of this book could be adapted to teaching methods such as EMILE (both language and scientific content) for bilingual or supplementary French classes.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 149316,97 Eur
Project Coordinator
lycée Grandmont & Country: FR
Project Partners
- Colegiul National “Petru Rares” Suceava
- Lycee Professionnel Auguste Bouvet
- Liceo Classico Stabili Trebbiani
- Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 2 w Jeleniej Gorze
- XV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Narcyzy Zmichowskiej
- Escola Secundária com 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico de Felgueiras