Cultural Learning Investigation with Cooperative Keys Erasmus Project

General information for the Cultural Learning Investigation with Cooperative Keys Erasmus Project

Cultural Learning Investigation with Cooperative Keys Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Cultural Learning Investigation with Cooperative Keys

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Social dialogue; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Creativity and culture

Project Summary

Starting from the idea that one of the key competencies of the 21st century is intercultural competence, the 5 European schools considered necessary to brush up the teaching methods and open doors to educational innovation. About 73% of students from all the partner schools find social studies boring. In all partner schools there is a need to increase interest, curiosity and knowledge in cultural heritage, improve the skills of low achievers and create new materials in teaching culture and social studies.Through ” Carry your past into the future” we intend to raise students’ awareness and interest in learning about cultural heritage.
Specific Objectives:

– To support directly 120 students and 50 teachers to develop innovative cross-curricular materials during international exchanges until 01.09.2022;

– To increase interpersonal and intercultural communication competence among 80% participating students from 5 European schools until 01.09.2022;

– To increase the visibility of intangible cultural heritage through innovating educational digital materials
– To stimulate curiosity and creativity among students from 5 EU schools and to boost learning using inquiry-based learning.
– 80% of the students will learn how to make decisions about how to use technology as an effective educational tool;
The project is addressed to students coming from 5 European countries and the direct target are students from lower secondary schools, in particular students who are 12- 15 years old. There are 5 short term exchange of pupils (Greece, Romania, Lithunia, Turkey and Spain) planned in the project. The total number
of participants who will attend the mobilities are 120 students and 50 teachers. The activities are designed to encourage learning by doing, by discovering, thinking skills, creativity, imagination, as well as, English and ICT skills. The implementation of the project is structured to achieve the project’s aims. There is nothing better than knowing your students are inspired and connected to what they are learning and researching. When students feel emotionally connected to their coursework, they often times feel more inspired to be creative and put a great deal of effort into their work. When teaching the importance of cultural heritage, students can easily be inspired by thoughts of their own culture, where they come from; perhaps they are adopted and grew up in a home with a different culture from where they were born, then that student could explore into their birth culture and understand more about themselves in the process of researching. Cultural heritage is deeply personal, but it is also a connection we all share; through connecting with your culture you connect more with those around you. Using games, team building activities, fundraising activities, surveys, Erasmus+ day events will significantly contribute to enable students to learn in an international context. All the project’s products will be created by students during the mobilities.During the hosting meetings the partners will attend lessons, will observe and exchange good practices and get more familiarised with European educational systems. The cross-curricular approach and the international exchange will help create innovative materials that can lead to the development of the school curricula in 5 European countries, in accordance with the feedback and methods exchanged during the
meetings. Students will become aware of the practical applications of cultural heritage in everyday life. The following tangible results are expected during the project and on its completion: logo of the project, presentations, a brochure containing Tim s adeventures, a common song, a calendar of the project, photos/
drawings, surveys, a travel manual,, a booklet of the project, digital dictionary and the final DVD of the project. The intangible results expected are: increasing intercultural competence, stimulating creativity in teaching and learning about cultural heritage and developing motivation for using cross-curricular materials
and inquiry-based learning in the educational process. “Connecting Cultures” project will present a validated model of innovative and creative interventions for the development and improvement of teaching and learning about cultural heritage . This Erasmus+ project offers a wide range of opportunities for self-
development for teachers by giving them the opportunity to be updated with the last methods of teaching used in the European Union.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 153110 Eur

Project Coordinator

3 Gymnasio Evosmou & Country: EL

Project Partners

  • Mazeikiai Senamiestis Low Secondary School
  • Liceul Teoretic German Johann Ettinger