D.I.A.L.O.G diversity, ideals, appetite, languages, opportunities, group Erasmus Project

General information for the D.I.A.L.O.G diversity, ideals, appetite, languages, opportunities, group Erasmus Project

D.I.A.L.O.G diversity, ideals, appetite, languages, opportunities, group Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

D.I.A.L.O.G diversity, ideals, appetite, languages, opportunities, group

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Social dialogue; Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Migrants’ issues

Project Summary

– poor interest in a second foreign language, low prestige at school, low motivation and poor results among students and teachers;
– a methodology that does not place enough emphasis on communication and intercultural competence; exclusion of civic competence from foreign language lessons;
– passivity and defeatism among youth in the face of the challenges of the modern world;
– the growing heterogeneity of European societies, the refugee crisis, and thus the increase in xenophobic attitudes and chauvinism;
– Euroscepticism.
– prove to the school community that languages are vital and multilingualism is a priority in the context of the European community and globalization;
– increase the attractiveness, usefulness and effectiveness of foreign language lessons through methodological innovations and authentic contexts;
– develop the ability to communicate despite language, cultural, social and geographical barriers;
– motivate youth to social activism for groups at risk of exclusion;
– counteract prejudices by providing reliable knowledge;
– promote the ideas and ideals of the European Union.
– 86 participants from 4 countries took part in 97 mobilities (coordinators took part in each mobility) including people with fewer opportunities and numerous refugees; migrants (19 nationalities were represented);
– 160 participants took part in blended mobilities;
– over 8,000 in free access events.
– forum theater: adaptation of techniques to school needs and realities, correlation with CEFR, multilateral promotion;
– open meetings with experts;
– mass outdoor events;
– book reading program in kindergarten and primary schools, United Nations Model.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 82520 Eur

Project Coordinator

III Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im.Marynarki Wojennej RP w Gdyni & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • Lycée professionnel Galilée
  • Etimesgut sehit kaymakam muhammed fatih safiturk anadolu imam hatip lisesi
  • Istituto di Istruzione Superiore M. Raeli Noto