Development of a job orientation program Erasmus Project

General information for the Development of a job orientation program Erasmus Project

Development of a job orientation program Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Development of a job orientation program

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

Context of the project: Due to globalisation and European unity in our world, particularly in today’s upcoming criticism of it, our project wants to motivate and enable students from age 15 to 18 to deal with the process of job orientation right from the beginning by taking into account a European and international perspective. This will greatly enhance their abilty to seize the enormous European and global opportunities.

Goals: The students were asked to reflect about the most essential aspects of job orientation with their Turkish and Lithuanian partners in order to automatically gain an international perspective. They were training together by researching job fields, by visiting international companies, by writing their CVs and applications together and by training job interviews in English in role plays in order to become more self-confident when it comes to choosing a job or finding the right career field.

Number and profile of participating schools: The coordinating school in Germany is providing general education on a secondary level. It provides two educational concepts: one focusses mainly on maths and natural sciences and the other on languages (English, French, Latin, Spanish, Italian). The students have multiethnical backgrounds. The Lithuanian partner school is partly a private school with a focus on arts, music and drama. The Turkish partner school provides general education that prepares its students for going to university. In contrast to the German school, the Lithuanian and Turkish school have less students with multiethnical or migration backgrounds.

Description of the main activities: The students visited international enterprises in all partner countries (Audi, Uni, Smelte…) and were able to attend a workshop and talk to people from their human resources departments and to people who are responsible for the training of new employees. Furthermore, they worked on their CVs and applications and trained for job interviews. The students also worked on the aspired products of the project which are several booklets and the mini-phrasebook.

Reached results and effect: The students finalized a booklet for students and one for teachers dealing with job orientation, a teacher´s guide and a mini-phrasebook with the most essential phrases that you need when you are looking for a job. Every participant worked with Europass in order to write their own CV and an application in English. Furthermore, the students took notes while visiting international enterprises and talking to the HR people. These notes are part of their personal job orientation portfolios.
When visiting the countries of their partners, the students of each partner school have learned how young people all over Europe deal with the topic of job orientation and how to successfully work in international teams.

Longterm benefit: All three partner schools have revised their perception of European projects and international cooperations and gained a much more positive attitude.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 60750 Eur

Project Coordinator

Gymnasium Königsbrunn & Country: DE

Project Partners

  • Klaipeda’s Vydunas gymnasium
  • Haci Sabanci Anadolu Lisesi