Développer un référentiel de compétences et des modules de formation favorisant l’Inclusion des Migrants vers l’Europe Erasmus Project
General information for the Développer un référentiel de compétences et des modules de formation favorisant l’Inclusion des Migrants vers l’Europe Erasmus Project
Project Title
Développer un référentiel de compétences et des modules de formation favorisant l’Inclusion des Migrants vers l’Europe
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2015
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal); Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits)
Project Summary
DIME : Developing a competence framework and training modules to promote the migrants’ inclusion to Europe.
The project gathers 6 partners from 4 Mediterranean coutries (Spain, France, Greece, Italy) with different approaches and experiences of migration, all engaged in the training and inclusion of non EU-migrants.
– Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Instruction Spécialisée, Santé, Social – AIFRISSS (FR)
– Centro Italiano Opere Salesiane Femminili – CIOSF/FP (IT)
– Universidad de HUELVA (ES)
– Universidad de JAÉN (ES)
– INstitut SUPérieur de Formation Permanente – INSUP (FR), coordinateur
For the consortium, improving the availability of education and training for the migrants is one of the cornerstones to favour their integration and promote social cohesion. Thus, they have developed :
-Two reports : Comparative analysis of the migrants’ hosting and inclusion policies in the partner states (Spain, France, Greece, Italy) to identify the barriers to inclusion ; Analysis of existing training program practices and identification of good practices in each of the countries.
-A framework of competences, acquired in a formal and non-formal setting, necessary for the social and professional inclusion of migrant people. It is conceived as a pedagogical guide for the migrants’ trainers. It includes 5 blocks of competences, methods and new pedagogical tools based on the learning process, transversality, a set of processes to facilitate inclusion. Five blocks of competences have been created : Language proficiency, Mathematical and digital competences, Intercultural competences, Social and civic competences, Socio-professional and entrepreneurship competences. Each category is based on knowledge (expertise), know-how (skills) and attitudes.
-A training modules set (21), to be used in connection with the competences framework, including the 5 skills blocks. The modules aim at developing the competences indicated in the competence framework. They have been elaborated for professionals or volunteers wishing to implement training for migrants.
The innovation lies in :
-The consortium composition : 4 mediterranean countries, with different approaches of migration, where the present situation requires adapted pedagogical responses ; the combination between research and players on the ground to cross their approaches and local stakeholders, institutions, policy makers, vocational guidance organisations, companies and migrants to build an appropriate reponse.
-The specificity of the intellectual outputs : Migrants’ training is often based on a linguistic approach and to a lesser extent on a socio-professional one. Yet it is necessary to have a global approach of the persons that is to say to take into consideration the whole barriers and issues to facilitate their socio professional inclusion. Dime took the initiative to determine 5 transversal competences blocks of which one is dedicated to interculturality to allow the migrants to be considered in their entirety and life path.
-The training adaptation to the evolution of the migration types : the partners experienced one of the most important migratory crises that Europe has ever known. Because of the civil wars especially in Syria, of the lybian conflict, of troubles and persecutions in some countries, the migratory flows have consistently grown. The partners had to face the refugee public in particular (who is often better trained) and had to adapt the intellectual outputs to response to the variety of migrant profiles.
The final impact is a recognition of the migrant publics and their involvement in a proactive and positive approach to social, cultural and professional inclusion. The main results are manifold
At the level of the migrant public :
– To end up with social isolation due to precariousness they often live.
– To lift barriers to socio- professional inclusion
– To generate links between the participants and local stakeholders, community organisations
– To consider a closer relationship with the working environment by identifying competences acquired and those to be developed.
At the level of actors in the field of social and labour market integration :
– To provide trainers with contents, methods and innovative educational tools to diversify the learning process
– To harmonise training practices
– To provide training organisations with procedures transferable to other lines of actions in favour of disadvantaged groups.
Intellectual outputs to be downloaded on : https://www.projetdime.eu
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 279135,69 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Ciofs/Fp Puglia