Developping Inclusion thanks to Sport at school in Europe Erasmus Project
General information for the Developping Inclusion thanks to Sport at school in Europe Erasmus Project
Project Title
Developping Inclusion thanks to Sport at school in Europe
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Disabilities – special needs; Inclusion – equity; Health and wellbeing
Project Summary
Opening up to Europe and mobility from primary school onwards is an objective of the educational project of the Académie de Normandie, a region in which mobility and educational ambition is still low. In this context, 3 primary schools, in priority education zones, in rural and peri-urban areas, have decided to work together on the theme of opening up to the international world, the development of citizenship and inclusion for better success for all. previous contacts made in 2019 with Greek schools for a territorial project on the Olympic Games encouraged the schools to ask Greek partners to join them in an Erasmus + approach.
The six partners provide schooling to very different groups, from privileged or very disadvantaged backgrounds, in a situation of social fragility because they are migrants or refugees, in a situation of educational success with families who are very present at their side, or in great difficulty at school or in a situation of disability and suffering from the gaze of others. All the partners note the difficulty for pupils to leave their environment to go out to others with confidence and acceptance of differences. For a majority of these young pupils, living together, learning common values, feeling that they belong to the same European Community remains a work in progress.
Therefore, the objectives of the project for each of the schools will be :
– to enable each pupil, whatever his or her geographical, cultural or social situation or disability, to experience a European encounter in a distant and/or face-to-face setting and thus contribute to his or her openness to the world and successful integration into society.
– to support pupils in the construction of a committed citizen’s path based on the sharing of common values between pupils and between pupils and adults.
– to perpetuate the process of opening up to the world within the school structure and become a resource centre for other schools.
6 French and Greek primary schools, 171 pupils, in year 5 and 6, with very different profiles, some of whom are educated in a Local School Inclusion Unit accompanied by 35 teachers and special educators for pupils with disabilities (AESH) will participate in the project.
Discovery activities of the other, his/her culture and country, carried out on the eTwinning platform and during reciprocal mobility, will enable pupils to emancipate from representations , to go towards the other person with confidence and to strengthen the basic social skills (communicating, cooperating, adapting, accepting differences) that are essential for living together and building European citizenship.
The 3 themes linked to sport – sport and health, sport for all, sport and success – worked on by the pupils through research, exchanges, and reports, shared in european pairs on Etwinning and then in large groups, will enable them to tackle the values of sport and their universality (self-respect and respect for others, inclusion, between help, solidarity, excellence, friendship).
The Franco-Greek Olympiads, organised by the pupils themselves with the help of their teachers and which will bring together all the pupils in Franco-Greek teams around cultural and sporting challenges, will be a highlight for the pupils who will use their new cultural knowledge and put into practice the values studied previously (mutual aid, solidarity, friendship, inclusion…).
At the end of the project,
– Pupils will be able to share their knowledge of the partner country and its culture, having broken free from stereotypes. Because they will have had a positive mobility experience and will have forged friendships with other young Europeans, their relationship with others and with difference will be facilitated and will enable them to experience new situations of encounter with confidence and openness.
The civic attitudes developed through collective mobility, work on the values of sport and the role given to pupils in the very design of activities will be transferred to school situations with an improvement in the school climate in schools, more initiative on the part of pupils and their involvement in the sports associations or clubs in their area.
– schools will have learned to work in a European network and with local partners and will have made international openness part of their school project. They will be identified as resource schools in their territory in this field. The policy of school inclusion developed within the project will enable schools to better welcome the diversity of the public and to show that international openness is aimed at the entire school population.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 179626 Eur
Project Coordinator
EPPU Pierre Gringoire & Country: FR
Project Partners
- école primaire publique Françoise Giroud