Die Magie des Films – Derribando Fronteras Erasmus Project

General information for the Die Magie des Films – Derribando Fronteras Erasmus Project

Die Magie des Films – Derribando Fronteras Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Die Magie des Films – Derribando Fronteras

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage; Inclusion – equity; Teaching and learning of foreign languages

Project Summary

The project „Die Magie des Films – Derribando Fronteras“ aims to tear down boundaries and by filming the experiences we build up a feeling for European identity. We are two schools, one located in Bremen / Germany in a peripheral district in Bremen in that many families don’t have the possibility of travelling and making intercultural experience abroad. The other school in Mallorca is located in a rural area where little transformation has been possible along the centuries and where the families stick to a protective education. Sometimes prejudices arise unwillingly and we hope to be capable to transform these experiences. Consequently the circumstances the students live in differ a lot. They experienced them intensively by staying in host families. To set a focus on their intercultural experiences the students had to film these special experiences.
In the end a documentary with three parts was produced. The documentary leaded us to two goals: First the students had to focus on the intercultural experiences because they filmed them and later they had to reflect these experiences by recording audios for the documentary. Second: a conclusive product was made, that has a benefit for the whole school. It can be used for teaching intercultural experiences or to prepare students for school exchanges. Incidentally the students learn how to communicate in English, German, Spanish or by using signs and they widen their digital competences.
Three mobilities were realized (the last one had to be cancelled due to Covid -19.). During the mobilities the students attended different film workshops. They learned how to film from different perspectives, how to cut a movie and they got to know the method Pixiliation. Furthermore they learned how to interview themselves and how to film it. In terms of content the mobilities focused on the influence of different cultures on our today’s way of life connected to immigration and emigration. During the first mobility the students got to know how Jewish, Muslim and Christian cultures influenced the Spanish culture. The second mobility was dedicated to emigration and immigration by having a good look at the fairytale “The Bremen Town Musicians”. During the third mobility the student’s experiences special traditions in Mallorca.
To prepare and reflect the mobilites we realized different activites in the TwinSpace. They presented their hometown and habits at home. They exchanged tongue twisters and their favorite typical family recipes, presented their favorite musicians, compared their cultures focusing on the similarities and discovering some differences.
These common experiences hopefully left a base for feeling an European unity. The experiences were captured in a documentary with three parts. It is available for the school communities for further teaching of intercultural competences.
It was the first Erasmus+ project for the German School. And surely a lot of projects will follow. We discovered the possibilities, that are offered by the European Union and we realized points we have to improve for further projects. Both schools plan to achieve a feeling in their school community for European identity by realizing more projects Erasmus+.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 58431,68 Eur

Project Coordinator

Oberschule an der Hermannsburg & Country: DE

Project Partners