Digital Cultural Heritage through 21st Century Skills Erasmus Project

General information for the Digital Cultural Heritage through 21st Century Skills Erasmus Project

Digital Cultural Heritage through 21st Century Skills Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Digital Cultural Heritage through 21st Century Skills

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Creativity and culture

Project Summary

Our project aims at making our students aware of the richness of the European culture in all of its different aspects and, at the same time, at improving theirs and the teachers’ digital competences.
We decided to focus on the Cultural Digital Heritage, which, according to Unesco, is defined as “Cultural, educational, scientific and other kinds of information created digitally, or converted into digital form from existing analogue resources”.
We aim at connecting it with the 21st century skills (communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking), raising awareness of the importance of Europe’s cultural heritage through formal and non-formal education. Meanwhile, teachers will be granted more competence in the use of ICT, strengthening the profile of their profession.
Some partners already worked on an eTwinning project on the same issue, and with this project we will have the chance to enlarge our scope and reach more people and institutions.
We also aim at raising awareness of the importance of European citizenship, at supporting students’ creativity, skills development, problem solving, while searching and thinking about creating a new digital product, and finally at improving students’ and teachers’ knowledge of different kinds of ICT tools.
To achieve these goals we intend to use digital materials already available, but our main goal is to produce our own digital materials in the following areas: Children’s Games, Natural History, Traditional Music and Dances, Drama, Traditional Festivals and Historical Heritage. All these materials will be collected in a series of e-books.
Each school will specifically focus on one of the previous areas, and during the L/T/T activities these will be shared among partners and then disseminated in our countries (through conferences, meetings, Erasmus corners, etc.) and more importantly on the web (e-books, etc.). In this way we will be able to share information about European cultural heritage not only in our schools and in the surrounding areas, but in all the European Union and beyond.
We will use an interdisciplinary method. This will enhance confidence in subjects that, when taught separately, may cause anxiety in students. They will learn about European History, Literature, Art, Music, and Nature.
In order to let the students participate in the host country’s lifestyle and language, we also intend to teach the students some practical structures of the host country language.
The different groups involved in the project are: pupils, teachers, school staff, families, people in the local communities, especially elderly people who preserve traditions, other schools in the area, local experts, local authorities and journalists. About 140 students will participate in the mobilities, and about 2,000 will be involved in the project. The other schools will be involved in the activities during the mobilities, mainly in order to disseminate the results of the project to a wider number of people. Journalists and local authorities will be involved to help the dissemination.
Our project will include local activities, mobility activities and dissemination.
The local activities have been devised to prepare students for the activities during the mobilities. They will include researches on the field; most of these materials will be produced using specific ICT tools; the results of these activities will be shared online mainly through eTwinning.
The mobilities will be necessary to achieve all our objectives. Each mobility will deal with one of the specific aspects of European heritage mentioned before.
The dissemination will start during each mobility through the involvement of different stakeholders, like families, older generations, local institutions, etc.; we will use posters, practical booklets, leaflets, the project website and the final e-books.
The main concrete results will be: 1) a project website, containing all the activities and outputs of the project; 2) specific presentations of the cultural heritage topics; 3) A series of online and on site lessons on the same topics; 4) practical manual booklets on how to further develop the topics after the end of the project itself (“dissemination kit”); 5) a series of final e-books related to the project activities.
The involved schools will benefit in several ways, and these benefits will last for several years. Apart from the benefits which are common to all Erasmus+ projects, we will also obtain an improvement of the educational offer, an improvement of the ICT skills, a strengthening in the knowledge of the European Cultural Heritage.
Since it is obvious that we will be able to deal with a limited part of the potential Digital Heritage, our project will be open to further developments inside our schools but also in the wider school community. We also hope that our work will hopefully become part of the Unesco Digital Cultural Heritage and thus contribute to the development of European culture in the world.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 188700 Eur

Project Coordinator

Liceo scientifico statale Giuseppe Peano & Country: IT

Project Partners

  • IES. Berenguela de Castilla
  • Värska Gümnaasium
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Guia
  • Mehmet Serttas Anadolu Lisesi