Ecological Sensitivity On School Education Erasmus Project

General information for the Ecological Sensitivity On School Education Erasmus Project

Ecological Sensitivity On School Education Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Ecological Sensitivity On School Education

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Energy and resources; Natural sciences

Project Summary

Ecology can be briefly described as a natural balance. Human beings benefit from nature while meeting their own needs. Therefore, it must protect nature so that it can maintain continuity. It is very difficult to gain the awareness of being sensitive to the environment and leaving a livable world to the new generations in older ages. With this project, it is aimed to be a true nature lover by raising the awareness of conservation of nature in the preschool & primary school period, where children are most open to learning, while achieving this goal, it is aimed to be with the family and families to become nature sensitive adults. The activities we will carry out within the scope of the project will be provided by the strategic partnership that six schools will establish. 5 countries (Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Italy), including 6 schools 18 teachers, 150 students and their families will carry out activities .
Activities required by all project partner schools are planned for each month.
As a methodology, cooperative learning method, activities based on research and inquiry and guided practices were chosen.
Objectives and description of activities :
to give students skills such as taking responsibility, productivity, gaining a different perspective, learning by doing and living. Students will perform individual and group activities under the guidance of their teachers. They will learn about the ecological concepts, they will have an idea about the problems that concern the whole world such as environmental pollution, climate change, global warming, and they will propose solutions and cooperate. In all stakeholders participating in the project, efficient use of natural resources, re-questioning our consumption habits and developing less waste to the world will be developed. Acting with the awareness of recycling and zero waste, children will exhibit materials and products designed from wastes under the guidance of their teachers. In this way, their creativity and artistic talents will also develop. During the study process, participating students and teachers will produce ideas and slogans about the efficient use of energy resources and work on real data such as reducing electricity and water bills. Students will provide social awareness by making drama presentations on zero waste and recycling issues to other institutions and families. Schools will build their own action plans and strategic goals on less consumption, efficient use of natural resources, zero waste and recycling. Science and nature activities will be updated in a natural environment and with rich education and training methods to develop a sustainable environmental awareness. For children who learn that it is a part of nature, ecological activities will turn into activities that they love and attract.
Within the scope of LTT, mutual school visits will be made among the partners. With these activities, teachers will recognize new teaching methods and different educational approaches and strengthen their profession profiles. During their school visits, teachers will present their activities to each other, discuss methods and give feedback to each other. Thus, by recognizing different methods and techniques, they will create a good activity pool for themselves as a result of the project. Teachers will use the learned methodology as an educational tool for outdoor activities and find similarities and differences In their perspectives. In the institutions they will visit, teachers will participate in group activities such as interactive experiments, drama and story presentations, plant growing activities in nature, nature walks and sports activities, new product designs from wastes, music activities in nature. In this way, pedagogical skills and intercultural communication, language and digital skills will be strengthened.
Increased ecological awareness,
willingness to protect nature,
awareness of social skills and preparedness to raise public awareness are among the expected results of the project.

The project, in this respect, will contribute to the EU’s targets addressed as part of the 2020 strategy including climate and energy isusues and development goals within the scope of climate, environment and ecological balance..
– “Ecological Sensitivity in school Period” erasmus + project will be carried out as an etwinning project with the participation of partner schools. Schools will actively communicate through online meetings on the Etwinning platform. Sharing the findings and visual documents of all activities will be done on the project twinspace. Thus, the promotion of the project will be made in all member countries in the etwinning platform. Participating schools will share their activities on the social networks they have created for the project (facebook twitter project web page local news channels ) and make their studies widespread. In an era where natural resources are needed

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 111465 Eur

Project Coordinator

Istituto Comprensivo 15 Verona & Country: IT

Project Partners

  • JUDG Detska Radost
  • Toki Sehit Hakan Can Anaokulu
  • Detska Gradina 1 “Detelina” grad Tervel