Ecology and Sport – Two Ways, One Story Erasmus Project
General information for the Ecology and Sport – Two Ways, One Story Erasmus Project
Project Title
Ecology and Sport – Two Ways, One Story
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Environment and climate change; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills
Project Summary
The “Ecology and Sport – Two Ways, One Story” project is a response to the needs of modern society, such as taking care of the environment and promoting ecological attitude, leading an active lifestyle, communicating in foreign languages, using ICT tools and technologies, being able to work as a member of a team, broadening horizons and commitment to the local community. Our main goal was to develop students’ interests in learning – teaching process and motivate them to learn by using active methods, conducting lessons not only in the school building but also outside the classroom. The objectives of this project was focused especially on key competences especially developing basic skills such as: natural science skills, ability to communicate in foreign languages effectively, digital competences, social and personal competences in the area of learning skills and self-learning management and civic competences.
Holistic teaching, combining various school subjects, has contributed to the increase of passion and commitment to acquiring knowledge and developing skills, as well as to the implementation of tasks that students are currently facing. The goal of the project at the time of its realisation was to increase the motivation to learn by making this process more interesting. Showing that learning can be fascinating, innovative and creative was an important part of the project. Teachers as student leaders had the goal to show students that knowledge is very useful and valuable, especially since it can be used in practice.
The project was focused not only on the skills that students acquired during the implementation of individual tasks, but was also focused on the long-term process of acquiring knowledge. We are absolutely convinced that the change the attitude to learning and an increase in motivation will last longer than the duration of this project.
To encourage students to put their knowledge into practice and stimulate physical activity, four sports and environmental events were planned. During these events, participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and develop sports skills. Sports and environmental events were focused on three elements: Earth, air and water. Each partner country was responsible for preparing an event based on one of the natural elements listed above. The elements were selected according to what is most typical of the partner school’s environment. During international meetings, we encouraged others to take care of the environment and live in harmony with nature, as well as we also demonstrated that we are for active ways of spending free time.
We encouraged community of students, teachers who were not directly involved in the project itself, parents, as well as the local community to participate in environmental events. Environmental events were a great opportunity to form conscious citizenship, especially in the field of environmental protection and pro-ecological attitude. Participants also promoted an active, healthy way of life.
The activities were also conducted in the virtual field. We have completed three eTwinning projects: “Natural Water Resources Around Us”, “The Earth – Our Home” and “Our Precious Air”. During the realisation of eTwinning projects, science and ecological experiments were also carried out. Using the TwinSpace platform these experiments were presented to other partner schools and they were also carried out by other students and teachers. It was a great opportunity to exchange good practices.
Thanks to the involvement in this project, both students and teachers were able to develop their digital skills as well.
To sum up, the realisation of this project was a great opportunity to increase students and teachers activity, to learn about other cultures, traditions and the environment in which new partners live. Students and teachers also had the opportunity to exchange their experiences, thoughts and ideas. We hope that this project has created conscious members of society who care about the environment and lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Changing students’ and teachers’ approaches to teaching and learning process by using active methods and techniques is a great value of this project. Realisation of project tasks will also help create a well-educated, creative person, an active citizen who will be able to solve problems in a constructive way. Project participants with communicative language skills and the ability to use ICT tools will cope as future employees. They will have such qualities as: creativity, independence, flexibility, self-confidence and the ability to work in a team. Moreover, modern methods and techniques that have enriched our knowledge will certainly be a lasting value of the completed project.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 77980 Eur
Project Coordinator
Zespol Szkol nr 25 Mistrzostwa Sportowego w Bydgoszczy & Country: PL
Project Partners
- Sydän-Laukaan koulu
- Istituto Comprensivo Camigliano