General information for the EMPOWERING YOUTH POTENTIAL Erasmus Project

July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2015

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Access for disadvantaged; Inclusion – equity

Project Summary

Youth unemployment is the most significant problem that is faced by young people in Europe. With a focus on improving equity and inclusion, transversal skills, and entrepreneurship education, Empowering Youth Potential aimed to increase the entrepreneurial spirit and skills of participants to enhance faster growth, social inclusion and European networking. The project also aimed to help youth transition from education to labour market. Empowering their professional skills with non-formal educational tools. Growing their ability to face workplace issues, teamwork problems, to solve unexpected difficulties.
Target Groups:
Unemployed young people, recent graduates, students, youth leaders, young people with fewer opportunities.
Main activities:
1. Competence assessment tool (available at http;//youthpotential.eu: assessment tool) . All participants in the filled the assessment tool before and after the activity, in order to assess the upgrade of competences thanks to the activity. The competence assessment tool can be used also after the project and is a very important mean to make young people aware of their competences and how these competences upgrade thanks to international mobility activities, intercultural activities, entrepreneurship activities etc. The tool was translated in all partners languages.

2. Learning Activities: Young people from various cultures and nationalities (from partner’s countries) were invited to participate in the Learning Activities. The consortium gave special attention to select unemployed young people or with less opportunities. Youth Entrepreneurship
Two Learning activities organized in 2 different countries, during 5 days, involving 44 participants, aged between 18-26 years old. Focused on the development of youth entrepreneurial spirit and soft skills Young people had the opportunity to make study visits, debates with experts. It created a strong network of peers. Learning Activities were focused on the development of youth entrepreneurial spirit, with the aim of developing transversal skills; transfer know – how and experience of mentors and successful entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurship. During the learning activities held in Vicenza, Italy and Barcelona, Spain were organized a set of activities aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills. Along with soft skills as Intercultural communication, team work, time management, hard skills related to the development of a business model canvas and the completion of the personal SWOT matrix were proposed to participants. Visits to companies and meetings with successful local entrepreneurs completed our learning weeks.

3. Virtual Kit: http://youthpotential.eu – The project developed an informal Virtual Kit which directly emanated from the participation at the Learning activities. The resource kit is divided in 4 main subjects: Analysis ( Entrepreneur Profile, Business Idea); Entrepreneur process (Business project: Gestation – Idea; Analysis – Business Plan; Creation – Businss Plan Implementation; Consolidation – Business Improvement plan; Growth – Business Growth Plan); Changing the way we do Business ( Social Media: Changing the way we do business); New ways of Working ( Coworking Space, Fablab working Space; Sharing Economy)

4. Final Conference- co-organized by a group of young entrepreneurs to motivate young people to raise their interest in acquiring entrepreneurial skills.

Consortium: 1 non-profit association working with mentoring programs: “I Am the Best”Talent Mentoring Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation (NGO) –( HU); 2 Foundations working actively with youth and with young people with fewer opportunities, Fundação da Juvendude (PT), Fundación Esplai (ES); and 1 no-profit research, training and career counselling.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 89641 Eur

Project Coordinator

Fundação da Juventude & Country: PT

Project Partners

  • Fundación Acción Social Educación y Tiempo Libre ESPLAI
  • Eurocultura