Enquiry based learning at school Erasmus Project

General information for the Enquiry based learning at school Erasmus Project

Enquiry based learning at school Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Enquiry based learning at school

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); Research and innovation

Project Summary

Skill based research is increasingly done in many schools but presenting and improving research in an international setting is not. This project has made great inroads into this terrain and rendered signifcant results. As traditions regarding the execution of research and teaching research skills at schools vary the 5 schools in the project have learned a lot from each other. Sharing best practice between schools from DIFFERENT COUNTRIES has generated materials and experiences that have prepared the students involved much better for the dynamic EUROPEAN JOB MARKET.
This project has developed an ENQUIRY BASED approach and research skills in teachers and students. TEACHERS have been able to develop a TRANSNATIONAL CURRICULUM regarding teaching RESEARCH SKILLS by sharing BEST PRACTICE. STUDENTS have:
– developed or improved PRESENTATION SKILLS and
– enhanced EVALUATIVE SKILLS through SELF-and PEER assessment.

Five schools have taken part in this project: IES Ramiro de Maeztu (Madrid, Spain), Istituto E. Montale Nuovo IPC (Genoa, Italy), John Fitzgerald Kennedy Schule (Berlin, Germany) , Kungsholmes Gymnasium (Stockholm, Sweden) and Lorentz Lyceum (Arnhem, The Netherlands). All these five partners are points of reference for schools in their cities and have spread the practices and materials of the project to other schools and teacher organisations.
The methodology used was that both teachers and students learn form each other’s best practice though the presentation of research in TRANSNATIONAL, PEER REVIEWED workshops. The teachers used the symposia and teacher meetings to get FEED BACK and to establish best international practice and develop common materials for teaching research- and presenting skills.
NINE MEETINGS WITH TEACHER -TRAINING ACTIVITIES were organised , five of them alongside student symposia , and teachers have explored DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES and BEST PRACTICE in ENQUIRY BASED LEARNING . The student symposia were used to evaluate the materials by students and teachers. This way INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR BOTH STUDENTS AND TEACHERS towards student research and ENQUIRY BASED LEARNING with accompanying TEACHING MATERIALS were produced. They have all been brought together on the project website.

The five STUDENT SYMPOSIA in which 4 SELECTED STUDENTS from each participating school took part in which the students participating:
– Presented RESEARCH PROJECTS worked on a “PROBLEMATIC ” question in research
– Reflected on their work presented: SELF ASSESSMENT
– Received and gave feedback and feed-forward from fellow students: PEER ASSESSMENT
– Received feedback and feed-forward from the accompanying TEACHERS of various schools
Details of the programmes including names of research centres visited and academic speakers at the events can be found on the project website.

Each school hosted one of the symposia and organised a scientic research visiting programme. The total of activities in the project produced:
– INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINE AND MATERIALS FOR BOTH STUDENTS AND TEACHERS in the areas of research skills, peer review and presentation skill (all collected and accesible on the website)
-SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH and scientic posters (most of them available on the website)
The impact has been the following:
– spreading of good practice among schools , teacher organisations and Tteacher training colleges
– professional teacher development events at the participating sjhools
– hundreds of students presenting their WORK in a transnational setting.
– Noticable lANGUAGE competence improvement of of students after participating in the events and staying with host families
– distribution of the projects products to non participating students at the schools involved and other schools not pasrticipating in the project.
– continued collaboration bethween the five schools through video conference, distance peer review and other activities.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 139300 Eur

Project Coordinator

Lorentz Lyceum 20TZ & Country: NL

Project Partners

  • Kungsholmens gymnasium
  • John F. Kennedy Schule