Environmental Sustainability Curricula online: CHOICE eLearning Platform

CHOICE Project aims at supporting the development of the citizenship competences of primary and secondary school students, enabling them to do their part in the fight against climate change through the adoption of sustainable behaviours. To do so, CHOICE is working with schoolteachers to improve their knowledge climate change and environmental sustainability, so that they will be able to raise students’ awareness on climate change and be active participants of the fight against global warming. To enhance schoolteachers’ skills and knowledge, the project designed the CHOICE e-Learning Platform, an open-source, online platform developed by CHOICE. The CHOICE e-platform contains a…
Environmental Sustainability Curricula online: CHOICE eLearning Platform
July 3, 2023 4:31 pm | Last Update: July 7, 2023 8:21 am

CHOICE Project aims at supporting the development of the citizenship competences of primary and secondary school students, enabling them to do their part in the fight against climate change through the adoption of sustainable behaviours. To do so, CHOICE is working with schoolteachers to improve their knowledge climate change and environmental sustainability, so that they will be able to raise students’ awareness on climate change and be active participants of the fight against global warming. To enhance schoolteachers’ skills and knowledge, the project designed the CHOICE e-Learning Platform, an open-source, online platform developed by CHOICE.

The CHOICE e-platform contains a set of effective citizenship education activities on climate change targeting primary and secondary school students and aimed at fostering the adoption of environmentally sustainable behaviours. The e-platform is an online training database where primary and secondary school teachers can find useful material both for their own training and for the students’ education on Climate Change and Environmental Conservation. The e-platform is divided into two main sections: Educational Material (containing Educational Paths, to be used by teachers with the students) and Training Material (Training for the teachers, not to be used with students).

With the CHOICE platform, teachers can quantify their skills, grow in their role and stay relevant on critical topics. Also, you will be able to support the development of the citizenship competences of primary and secondary school students, enabling them to do their part in the fight against climate change through the adoption of sustainable behaviours.

CHOICE Educational Material

In the Educational Material section of the eLearning Platform, there are the CHOICE Educational Paths, a series of independent, short curricula on specific topics regarding climate change and environmental sustainability. Each Educational Path is divided in 3 parts: Theory, Hands-on Activity and Call to Action. Each part is designed to provide students with the theoretical knowledge needed to understand a certain phenomenon, practical experiments in which students will see first-hand the application of the newly acquired theoretical knowledge, and finally a tangible and practical activity through which they can raise environmental awareness of their schools, families and communities.

CHOICE Training Material

In the Training Material section are gathered useful resources for teachers’ training on the topics of the Educational Paths, so that they can deliver in the best way possible the Educational Paths to their students.

The Training Material is the result of CHOICE project’s series of training sessions, which are divided in online training sessions (subdivided in Video Material, with the online training sessions recordings, and Other Resources, containing useful material from the training sessions) and the JSTE Train-the-Trainers Event, a week-long, in presence event organised by CHOICE at the University of Thessaly Campus in Larissa, Greece, during which CHOICE partner schools’ teachers were trained on topics regarding sustainability, such as STEM Education, interactive and engaging teaching methodologies, use of technological and digital tools during class, among others.

Check out the CHOICE eLearning Platform!

The CHOICE eLearning Platform is open access, free of charge, and available in 6 languages: English, Italian, Greek, Romanian, Turkish and Polish! You can have a look at it and explore the original CHOICE Educational Material for students and CHOICE Training Material for teachers, educators and trainers.