Essential Life Skills Erasmus Project

General information for the Essential Life Skills Erasmus Project

Essential Life Skills Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Essential Life Skills

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Health and wellbeing; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education

Project Summary

Project “Essential Life Skills” was conducted in the partnership of secondary schools from Poland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Slovakia. The aim of the project was to cooperate and share the knowledge and experiences in the field of practical life skills; to equip teenage students with certain life skills and key competences, in order to prepare them for successful, self-efficient adulthood. The three main areas of life skills the project focused on were: daily living skills, personal/social skills and occupational skills. Those life skills were obtained by the students during LTT activities as well as between them, during their work in the schools’ ELS Groups.
ESL students and teachers took part in four LTT events:
LTT event C1 took place in Volos, Greece and the topic was: Healthy Nutrition. Main objectives of the mobility were: promoting a “pro-healthy food” attitude among teenagers; making them discover the benefits of healthy diet. The objectives were achieved through: presentations, interactive tutorials; educational visits to local institutions specializing in the “Science Of Food”,demonstrating the basics of nutrition, ingredients and food handling; lectures led by specialists, clarifying notions on healthy dietary habits, obesity and active lifestyle.
LTT event C2 took place in Silale, Lithuania, the topic was Career Guidance. Main objectives of the mobility were: Developing students’ career searching and self-knowledge skills, e.g. how to use a job interview to show all good qualities; how to create the best CV. All the objectives were achieved by taking part in lectures and workshops during which the knowledge, skills and know-how were explained to students; action-based learning, working in teams and analysing the results and methods of the job done as well as contribution and process of working of each participant; project-based learning – gaining the knowledge in practical way, benefiting from experience of real businesspeople, the experts in topic areas.
LTT event C4 took place in Zilina, Slovakia and the topic was Home economics. Main objectives of the event: teaching project participants to plan home budget; making them understand banking products and right financial decisions. All the objectives were met due to a series of lectures and workshops focused on bank products and home economics and led by financial experts, visits in banks, teamwork on solving financial problems.
LTT event C5 took place in Nidzica, Poland and the topic was: Self-development and good manners. Main objectives of the meeting: self-improvement of students and teachers in the following areas: managing stress and fears, developing assertiveness, self-confidence, good manners and polite behaviour. The objectives were achieved through the series of activities, workshops and lectures led by experts such as phD psychologist, personal development coach and visits and workshops in wellness studio Harmonium.
Another target group of the project were teachers. The objective was to enrich their personal and professional workshop with new working tools and methodologies. They took part in LTT event C3 in Afragola, Italy and the topic was: How to teach Life Skills. They took part in lectures and workshops on teaching students various life skills. They also created various lesson plans on those subjects that were included in the school curricula and serve as guidance for their peers when it comes to teaching life skills topics.
ELS participants also worked actively between mobilities on, e.g. organising dissemination events, such as for instance ELS Days, meetings with students from local schools, organising meetings with their schoolmates and conducting lessons for them to pass newly gained knowledge. ELS Groups’ members were also responsible for creating tangible results, such as ELS Guidebook.
Due to all those activities, our students gained and/or developed new digital competences, social and civic competences such as: critical thinking, team work. Students developed sense of initiative and entrepreneurship involving know-how, motivation, creativity, innovation and courage, as well as the ability to plan and perform tasks in order to achieve set goals. They got necessary skills and knowledge on what constitutes a healthy diet, basic rules of cooking and preparing their own healthy dishes. They learnt to understand the finances and financial products, to arrange mortgage, loans, insurance or advantageous financial investment, to calculate the income, make good financial decisions. ELS members developed assertiveness, teamwork, self-confidence, good manners and polite behaviour, they learnt to control stress.
Teachers got to know and practice various teaching methods in the topic of life skills. Transnational cooperation gave everyone unique opportunity to cooperate in English which improved participants’ knowledge of English and allowed them to get a glimpse of history and culture of partner countries.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 102985 Eur

Project Coordinator

Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • Istituto Tecnico Statale Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa
  • Silales Dariaus ir Gireno progimnazija
  • Utajärven lukio
  • Súkromná obchodná akadémia