Eurobot 2019 Erasmus Project

General information for the Eurobot 2019 Erasmus Project

Eurobot 2019 Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Eurobot 2019

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation

Project Summary

The idea of setting up an international exchange program stems from the fact that, in the French school, a new subject was created, namely technology in a second langage, it being English.

It soon became obvious that this exchange should be set within a cooperation project between the schools. The Eurobot Junior Objective is the ideal basis for such an educational venture. The opportunity to bring this about presented itself when a local teacher went to Bulgaria so as to find out some international connections. She suggested our project to schools there that could possibly be keen. That is how the John Atanasov school came to get in touch with us as they were intested in carrying this project out with us.

Our goals are as follows :

teaching technological skills pertaining to mechanical engineering, IT and robotics

the development of langage skills with students

raising awareness as to European integration and the range of opportunities in terms of international cooperation.

Thirty students are involved in the project, fifteen from France and fifteen from Bulgaria. These students take overall technology, with an emphasis on mechanics on the French side, the Bulgarians insisting more on programming. They are all between the age of fifteen and eighteen.

To achieve our goals, the students are to take part in a European robotics contest. They will team up in groups of two, one French and one Bugarian. They will plan, make and operate a robot. To reach this ambitious purpose, they will work together to figure out the rules of the contest, establish a common list of technical specifications and will then meet to assess their progress. They will have to communicate on a regular basis to give one another the data on their work in progress.

Substantially, we expect our students to

take part in an international contest as part of an international team

initiate a public e-twinning platform to share our experiences

In the long run, we expect the following benefits :

enriching one another’s teaching skills,

showing the students of both our schools the significance of learning foreign langages – we trust the project can enhance linguistic skills in all our students and staff,

urging the staffs in our schools to open up their minds to new possibilities for other classes and courses.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 31676 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • SPGE “John Atanasoff”