General information for the EUROPEAN DARKSKY PROTECTORS Erasmus Project

July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Energy and resources; Research and innovation; Environment and climate change

Project Summary

The inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light – known as light pollution – can have serious environmental consequences for humans, wildlife, our view of the universe and our climate.Light pollution affects every citizen. Fortunately, concern about light pollution is rising dramatically. A growing number of scientists, homeowners, environmental groups and civic leaders are taking action to restore the natural night. Each of us can implement practical solutions to combat light pollution locally, nationally and internationally.
The Project EDP, “European Dark-sky Protectors”, aimed at raising awareness about light pollution which is adversely affecting environment, safety, energy consumption, climate and health and to research on the approaches and applications about interactive and innovative methods for teaching scientific and environmental subjects in the partner schools, to implement these methods into our school curriculum and disseminate the results.The project was a KA219 School Education Partnership and six European schools from Finland, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania and Turkey came together to realise the project during two years.The coordinator of the project was Turkish school.We teamed up a group of secondary schools and different multiple cooperation brought an added value to the project. Since each organisation was able to offer different perspectives, skills, and talents, we had very strong and precious consorcium during two years.
During two years two Transnational Project Meetings (TPM) were held in Turkey (the start and the evaluation meetings) and one in Italy with the participations of 4 teachers from each partner school.The first TPM meeting was held as a Project management and implementation for the teachers supported by a seminar named AÖS-INTERNATIONAL organised by the coordinator school, Aldemir Atilla Konuk Anadolu Lisesi, focus on Astronomy, Science, Environment and Light Pollution and also to announce the start of the project to the local community.The second TPM was held to evaluate and report the activities carried out in the first year of the Project and a midterm report was prepared and sent to the national agency.The third TPM was the evaluation meeting in general and the final report of the project was written and the project was assessed with the coordination of all the partner schools. A conference was organised to inform and share the results and the datas collecting through the whole project with the local community in Turkey.
4 Learning, Teaching, Training Meetings (with the participation of 4 students and 1 teacher from each country) were organised in Romania,Greece , Finland and Poland. At each meeting local institutions, universities, municipalities, NGOs and the companies were visited and presentations, workshops and question sessions on light pollution were held; the workshop for measuring light pollution with SQM were worked out.
In the 1st LTT meeting in Romania, the products on “the light in the nature, The history of lightning; Light and the culture, What is light pollution , the effects of light pollution on ecosystem, the climate and the human health” were presented by the deligates of the partner schools. In the 2nd LTT meeting in Greece, workshops on “Lightning, crime and safety, the effects on the human physchology and the sociological effects” and the presentations of the results of the survey and questionaries were made by the partners. In the 3rd LTT meeting in Finland, the products of the researches about “energy consumption and how to save energy and the regulations and laws for the light pollution in each partner countries and the protection of the environment” were presented. In the 4th LTT meeting in Poland, “the works on Dark sky heritage , light pollution and astronomy, International dark sky parks in the the partner countries and in the world” were presented.The methodology to be used for the project were interactive, creative and innovative.
During the Project students and teachers had the opportunity to study on the balance of the lifecycle distrupted by the light pollution, the effects of the light pollution on climate change, energy consumption, human health, psychology and psychoplogy, the relationship between light pollution and the industrialization, civilization, technology and population.The students created posssitive attitude to environmental issues, developed interest in scientific studies through research and workshops on light pollution and became a “citizen scientist” through participating in EDP. The participants were able to see and share the good practices and innovations in the partner countries and gained the necessary intercultural, methodological, linguistic and ICT competences. At the end of the project; the results were shared with the local comunity, the universities; institutions; associations related to energy, science, environment and astronomy.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 149511,44 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Närpes stad / Närpes högstadieskola