European Medialab Praxis Erasmus Project
General information for the European Medialab Praxis Erasmus Project
Project Title
European Medialab Praxis
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Creativity and culture
Project Summary
Context and objectives:
In 2016, 5 European organizations based in France, Italy, Austria, Germany and Finland came together to imagine and experiment together Medialabs – public spaces in which media and ICTs are tools for creativity, creativity and creativity. social and professional inclusion, education and empowerment. During the 2 years of the project supported by Erasmus +, Urban Prod partners Arci Solidarietà, Cubic, Bildungsmarkt and Lasipalatsi Mediacenter met to compare their working methods and reflected collectively on non-formal education, digital youth employment and social inclusion. They share their resources and create a network with local and European spin-offs.
Number and profile of participating organizations:
The consortium carrying the European Medialab Praxis project is composed of 5 structures.
Urban Prod – France – is an association that develops digital projects and video productions, in the fields of employment, integration, training, social and culture. Established in Marseille but radiating throughout the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region, Urban Prod inaugurated in October 2015, MarsMedialab.
CUBIC (Culture Und Bildung In Context) – Austria – is an association involved in issues related to the inclusion and integration of young people on the social and professional level. Their support includes, in addition to social work, a dynamic of media, image and digital education in general.
Lasipalatsi Media Center – Finland – is a Helsinki-based structure recognized in Finland for new media innovation. Lasipalatsi Media Center is experimenting with methods of learning and cultural mediation instrumented by ICT through the KONTUPIST project (participatory platform offering cultural services) and the opening of a medialab in 2015.
Bildungsmarkt e.V. – Germany – The European Projects and Pilots Department specializes in, among other things, the development of educational tools and quality management. The structure works on issues of integration and vocational education and training (VET) and integration. Biidungsmarkt e.V. works with companies in Berlin and partners throughout Europe.
Arci Solidarietà Onlus – Italy – is a non-profit center for the development of community life. Created in 1995, the center works to provide support to marginalized people and promote a culture of solidarity, through a discourse on empowerment and the rights of disadvantaged people, social responsibility against racism and gender discrimination.
Methods and activities implemented:
The project has four successive phases: research, prototyping, experimentation and modeling; with continuous documentation allowing easy swarming with the partner structures. Each phase is characterized by a transnational meeting and the creation of several deliverables.
Meeting 1: Launch of the European Medialab Praxis project
The first transnational meeting organized by Urban Prod took place in France from 14 to 17 December 2016. It brought together experts, academics, young people, partners and professionals from the social and economic sector. The 5 structures were able to define a working methodology and a common editorial line that are at the base of all the innovation work done during the project. At the end of this first meeting, three deliverables were created: a manifesto, a semantic dictionary and a Tumblr.
Meeting 2: Creation of Prototyping Tools for Medialabs Projects
The second transnational meeting organized by CUBIC took place from 6 to 10 June 2017 in Austria. It was an opportunity to review the state of the art and deliverables created during Phase 1 to critically review these productions. A cycle of reflection on the professional insertion of young people through digital technology led to the creation of the third and fourth deliverables: a matrix of analysis of digital skills to be acquired in a Medialab and a guideline for the creation of a Médialab.
Meeting 3: Exchange of practices
The third transnational meeting organized by Bildungsmärt will be held in Germany in January 2018. It will bring together partners to exchange best practices on experiences in each region.
Each structure will rely on photos, texts and audiovisual content produced during the experimentation time.
Meeting 4: Swarming
The fourth and final transnational meeting organized by Lasipalatsi Ltd will be held in Finland in July 2018. Its purpose is to disseminate the results of the experiment.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 172736 Eur
Project Coordinator
URBAN PROD & Country: FR
Project Partners
- Arci Solidarietà Onlus
- bildungsmarkt e.v.
- The Festival of Curiosity Limited
- Kammer für Arbeiter und Angstellte für Tirol
- Lasipalatsin Mediakeskus Oy
- CUBIC – Cultur & Bildung im Context