European Network for Social Inclusion Erasmus Project

General information for the European Network for Social Inclusion Erasmus Project

European Network for Social Inclusion Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

European Network for Social Inclusion

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Inclusion – equity

Project Summary

The experts of associations and organizations who work with immigrant children often have to develop intervention strategies, on an effective social inclusion, which mainly involve a strong commitment in the field of non-formal language training. Immigrant children, exclusively for socio-cultural reasons, can be considered individuals with special educational needs.
The main objective of “European Network for Social Inclusion – ENSI” project was to compare the methods adopted in the different partner countries in order to develop a language learning model that can be used independently of the children’s country.

Specific Objectives:
• Promoting the exchange of best practices among social workers in the field of non-formal language training of immigrant children.
• Promoting the recognition of non-formal and informal learning in the adult education field.
• Enhancing the international dimension of activities in the adult education field.
• Enhancing the role of parents and educators in no formal sector and organizations such as support structures for social inclusion of children and teenagers with special educational needs.

The partnership was involved in a national research on the issue of learning difficulties and social inclusion of children and adolescents with learning difficulties. The analysis covered the legislative, methodological, pedagogical and socio-educational aspects with reference to the activities of each partner concerning the experiences with children and adolescents with BES.
The first important moment of comparison of the project was the first Short-term joint staff training event “(TC1), held in Palermo (Italy) which involved 33 experts, educators, social workers, coming from the partner countries who shared through a informal methodology the most significant best practices adopted in each country.

This comparison was followed by an implementation phase in each partner country of the best practice chosen by each partner group, the results of which were shared during the second “Short-term joint staff training event” (TC2), in which 33 participants transferred their experiences and feedback.
At the end of the project, “International Center of Cultures UBUNTU” partner took care of the final draft of the Research Handbook, which collected the final results of the activities, of the experiences achieved during the project.

During all the lifecycle of the project, the partnership promoted the activities and results through 18 dissemination seminars in the partner countries which reached about 400 people.

ENSI project involved n. 6 organizations, from 5 european countries:
People Help the People (Italia) – Applicant
Asociacion Amigos de Europa (Spagna)
Asociatia Fluturele Visator (Romania)
EURO-training (Bulgaria)
Fundacja Family Center (Polonia)
Centro Internazionale delle Culture UBUNTU (Italia).

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 113600 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Fundacja Family Center
  • EURO-training