European Network to reduction loneliness amongst older people Erasmus Project
General information for the European Network to reduction loneliness amongst older people Erasmus Project
Project Title
European Network to reduction loneliness amongst older people
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2018
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Health and wellbeing; Access for disadvantaged
Project Summary
The SAUDADE project is a step towards taking action to alleviate and reduce the problem of loneliness. The project was a response to the problem of loneliness and isolation in old age. The exchange of good practices has changed the reality of seniors in the environments of partner organizations.
The main goal of the project was to enable organizations to develop and build a European network, increase their capacity to operate at transnational level, exchange good practices on reducing loneliness among older people. The specific objectives were:
Goal 1 – Exchange of good practices on reducing loneliness among the elderly.
Objective 2 – Developing the competence of educators in the field of effective teaching of seniors in the field of music education.
Goal 3 – Applying high-quality learning opportunities in music education for seniors.
The project was based on an analysis of the real needs of participating organizations and target groups. The project was part of the horizontal priority: Social inclusion. The project is in line with the priorities of the Adult Education action: Developing the competences of educators.
The target groups of the project were: seniors, adult educators.
The project acronym is Saudade – (Latin for solitudinem – loneliness). It is a Portuguese and Galician type of nostalgia and melancholy related to valorisation of the past and contemplation of transience.
The project supported the exchange of good practices to eliminate the causes of social isolation and loneliness of seniors. The exchange of experiences covered the topic: Music education as a medicine for loneliness – social inclusion through music education.
During the implementation of the project, high-quality results were developed, such as:
– National reports on the situation of seniors in the aspect of loneliness and isolation in partner organizations,
– Bulletin “Music education as a cure for loneliness” – examples of good practices in the area of loneliness reduction,
– Program of local music workshops for seniors,
– Music outdoory for seniors.
The following results were also achieved: broadening knowledge on alleviating and reducing loneliness, increasing the competence of edulators in the field of education of seniors, and increasing the educational offer of musical subjects.
At the end of the project, results such as:
– Building a European Network to reduce loneliness in seniors.
– Gaining more experience in the field of European cooperation,
– Developing and improving partnerships between organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Poland,
– Strengthening the position of organizations participating in local and regional environments.
The project involved active organizations in the field of unfailing adult education. The partnership was made up of organizations from countries participating in the Erasmus + program: associations, a socio-cultural institute, and a non-governmental organization. The partnership was created by the following organizations: FEPAMUC Spain – Guadalajara, Associação Animam Viventem – Portugal – Cascais, People Help the People – Italy, Palermo. An organization from Poland The Gaudete Foundation was a coordinator. The partners brought new know-how, extensive experience, skills, human and organizational resources to the project.
As part of the strategic partnership, activities related to teaching and training were implemented. A short training program for employees of C1 partner organizations “Music education cure for loneliness” was carried out. Short-term trips SP-ADULT-SHORT C2 were carried out in Italy and C3 and C4 in Poland. These activities have significantly contributed to the achievement of the project’s objectives.
Dissemination and exploitation of project results was considered a priority and is still a matter of concern for all partners.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 55564 Eur
Project Coordinator
Fundacja Gaudete & Country: PL
Project Partners
- Federación Progresista de Asociaciones de Mujeres y Consumidores de Guadalajara