European Step to Stop Cyberbullying Erasmus Project

General information for the European Step to Stop Cyberbullying Erasmus Project

European Step to Stop Cyberbullying Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

European Step to Stop Cyberbullying

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

Our project concentrates on priorities and needs of our schools. As the negative effects of cyber bullying are undeniable in educational settings, it is one of the most studied topics by the educators/ researchers. But it is not enough only to inform our students about the concepts related to the cyber bullying, we should also increase the knowledge and awareness on cyber bullying, informing school societies on their rights, focusing on the consequences and taking preventive actions against cyber bullying.Thus, creating a safe school environment by having strong policies in place to address cyber bullying. In this Project, our students will not only develop a deeper understanding to cyber bullying in national dimension, they will have a chance to discuss their existing situation with their European peers, they will try tackle with the cyber bulling problem together by negotiating via different platforms and face- to- face discussions, they will offers the solution to peers and decide whether the offers work in their context. This process means much more than an informative, passive cyber bullying conference session.
To achieve these aims, a number of activities have been designed. These activities include initiation activities (the activities concerning about informing school communities and other people about our project such as making announcement on each school website, setting up an e twinning project), educational activities (the activities related to raising the knowledge and awareness of students on cyber bullying and other key concepts such as informing students about their rights and punishments for cyber bullying crimes by experts, analyzing country’s and school’s policy,) , Cyber bullying days (conducting the meetings in Portugal and Italy with the pupils, initiating discussion, making decisions and publishing them), and transnational activities (including transnational meetings and exchange of pupils).
While carrying out this project, 4 partners will work together, involving Turkey (the coordinator), Portugal, Greece, and Italy. In the report of European Parliament, 2016, Cyber Bullying Among Young People, the partners of this project, were defined as “low medium risk countries of cyber bullying.” But, it doesn’t mean these countries eliminate or reduced cyber bullying successfully in their contexts. They simply do not have certain definitions or key concepts for cyber bullying and haven’t gathered data on the subject. Similarly, one of the common features of the partner countries is that they lack preventive actions against cyber bullying or still working on them, which will add value to the efforts of this Project.The kick off meeting will be held in coordinator Country, Turkey. Short term exchange of students will be in Portugal and in Italy. The last transnational meeting will be in Greece.
It is planned that 8 teachers and 16 students from each participant country will join the transnational activities. One representative from student counsel of the school will join the LLTs to find immediate and effective solutions to the cyber bullying problem while conducting their counsel work. Particular consideration will be given to applicants who may be expected to benefit most significantly from the opportunities provided, and who may not previously have had access to similar opportunities. The number of pupils and teachers involved in mobilities will be restricted , but at least 60% of school community will be involved in the preparation- implementation of the project.
The results can be divided into two categories; CONCRETE RESULTS which includes high level use of e-twinning portal, Project logo, slogan, leaflets and website, Posters, plays ,videos, Exhibition of project works, Project corners, 2018-2019 Calendars, Efficacy questionnaires, seminars given by experts, and Cyber Safety Week and the advisory circulars of the meetings; ABSTRACT RESULTS are educated and conscious internet users, an awareness on cyber ethics and juridical dimension of cyber crimes, increased cooperation and international experience, high tolerance towards diversity and deep understanding of cyber bullying.
Participants are expected to improve their skills on expressing themselves in FOREIGN LANGUAGE and DIGITAL COMPETENCES at the end of the project. In terms of transversal skills, the students will obtain the competence of actively taking part in the society they belong to. They will be initiators that define the key concepts of cyber bullying and compel their schools to take necessary precautions on it. When 21st century skills considered, students will be able to develop interpersonal/ intercultural competences throughout the activities. The school counsels will have a chance to see they can analyze, debate and write a joint declaration on cyber bullying and take concrete steps to solve a current problem in their context, which leads a step forward to educate active citizens of future.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 82910 Eur

Project Coordinator

Eskisehir Anadolu Lisesi & Country: TR

Project Partners

  • Istituto Statale E.Montale
  • Escola Básica e Secundária Quinta das Flores