Exchange of Good Practices in the matter of Early Stage Career Orientation for Pupils and Young People Erasmus Project

General information for the Exchange of Good Practices in the matter of Early Stage Career Orientation for Pupils and Young People Erasmus Project

Exchange of Good Practices in the matter of Early Stage Career Orientation for Pupils and Young People Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Exchange of Good Practices in the matter of Early Stage Career Orientation for Pupils and Young People

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Regional dimension and cooperation; Early School Leaving / combating failure in education; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment

Project Summary

Context/background: The “YouCareOn” action was an ERASMUS+ VET KA 2 Strategic “Partnerships for adult education/ Exchanges of Practices” under the priority “Developing VET business partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms” with the relevant topic “Early School Leaving / combating failure in education”, “Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment”, and “Regional dimension and cooperation”.The relevance of this project is confirmed by national and EU official papers and research, e.g. the EU ESIF Strategy “Europe 2020”, “Jobs, growth and investment”; the ESF “Youth Employment Initiative”.An early, corresponding to the regional demand career guidance for pupils/students under the slogan “Education and career in the region for the region”’ has a growing importance across Europe, because qualified staff is an essential prerequisite for any economic development of a region. Guidance and counselling can help to prevent young people from becoming NEETs and unemployed. In this way the interaction between practice, research and policy is reinforced.Project Objectives: The action’s main objective was to exchange specific good practices and experiences in qualification and training gained in the action matter respective to the needs of vocational education and training institutions, schools, administrations as well as labour offices in the participating countries. Number/profile of participants: In total 103 direct beneficiaries and 387 indirect beneficiaries have actively participated in the 12 Learning, Teaching and Training Activities.:- Staff of the project partners, and – Principals/teachers which deal with early vocational guidance. Participating organisations: Six partners in general, two from Germany, Federal Land Brandenburg, Greece, Spain, Latvia and Italy were involved in this action. They represented Regional Development Agencies, a National University, a foundation and a vocational education and training centre. Activities: The project partners realised six Bench Mobility (five days each) in Wildau and Cottbus/DE), Trinec (CZ), Santander (ES), Riga (LV), Athens (GR) and Lecce (IT) as well as six Short-Term Joint Staff Trainings. These Mobility are characterised by visits to representative regional good practices. So, the participants got see by itself on-site solutions how and which way early stage career orientation is organised in the respective partner countries. The exchange of opinions, knowledge and expertise took place most of all in direct personal contacts with these regional stakeholders. At the end, the participants took home in practice gained experiences to use in their own activities. Methodology of the project:The Lead Partner methodology included all activities in project management, implementation, communication, dissemination, internal evaluation and follow-up arrangements.The method “Transfer of contents” was used when the partners shared their good practices about innovative and proven procedures, methods and approaches.The method “Capacity building” and “Common learning and training” was used especially during the Blended Mobility and Short-Term Joint Staff Trainings C1 to C12. Results and impact: There were specific tangible results, e.g. the reached number of direct/indirect beneficiaries; Intangible results of the project were:- Gained new competences and knowledge respective to some of the 8 EU key competences, e.g. Learning to learn, Social and civic competences, Communication in foreign languages in this case in English, Sense of initiative and entrepreneurships- Enhanced capacity to deal with the topic “early professional/career orientation and guidance” under different points of view- Increased opportunities in professional development for young people Potential longer term benefits: The shared recommendation, methods, curricula and expertise will remain after the end of the EU funding at disposition of each direct or indirect participant, and will be integrated into the regional educational qualification systems upon appropriateness. The project’s results will remain available on the internet presences at least for the next three years beyond the project end.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 134165 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Fundación Laboral del Metal
  • Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Dahme-Spreewald mbH