Exchange of Practices on Education and Training Models for Members of Refugee Communities in Europe Erasmus Project

General information for the Exchange of Practices on Education and Training Models for Members of Refugee Communities in Europe Erasmus Project

Exchange of Practices on Education and Training Models for Members of Refugee Communities in Europe  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Exchange of Practices on Education and Training Models for Members of Refugee Communities in Europe

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Recognition, transparency, certification; Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal); Integration of refugees

Project Summary

Due to the fact that in 2016 more than 1.5 million asylum seekers entered the European member states, estimated 1 million persons would receive the international protection status as refugee and therefore all of them would get full access to the labour markets of the European member states the EXPECT-MORE project was setup with the unpredictable challenge for labour market integration and also for the VET systems of the European countries. Since the competence backgrounds of people arriving in Europe were totally diverse full access and appropriate access to VET training and qualifications became a crucial issue at this point for this target group and this took place in front of different VET systems, unknown backgrounds and competences (mainly acquired through informal learning) of persons accessing.
This challenging initial situation was considered in detail and the following objectives were defined for the EXPECT MORE project:
1) Exchange of practices, evaluation and transfer of good practices related to guidance and counselling approaches for refugees and migrants in Europe 2) Exchange of practices, evaluation and transfer of good practices related to C-VET programmes and didactics in C-VET for refugees and migrants in Europe 3) Exchange of practices, evaluation and transfer of good practices related to labour market integration and work experience programmes for regugees and migrants in Europe 4) Supporting the challenges of C-VET and labour market integration of refugees and migrants in the European members states by creating a forum for experience and good practice exchange
The partnership for the EXPECT MORE project was established out of 7 well experinced organisations from 7 European countries (Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Hungary, Croatia) which were needed to allow for a broad basis of concepts and approaches, models and instruments for the three main objectives of the project:
a) guidance and counselling b) C-VET programmes c) labour market integration and work place based learning
The main activities and results of the EXPECT-MORE project were:
a) Development of an evaluation and analysis matrix “Future Proof Matrix” – the core instrument for the exchange and transfer of practices related to the above mentioned three core interaction fields. Based on an in depth analysis of influencing factors for successful training and integration and latest research results from refugee groups appearing in Europe, the partnership elaborated an innovative evaluation matrix to rate projects.
b) Collection of good practices – in this 3 collections out of each partner country approaches were presented, how integration within the 3 above mentioned topics can work, which instruments should be used and also which issues need to be considered.
c) Learning/teaching/training activities – After the completion of each above mentioned 3 collections each time an learning, teaching and training event was implemented in 3 different European countries to present and evaluate the collected approaches. The best approach in each theme from each country was finally included in the Final Collection.
d) Production of the final collection – In this collection the 3 best approaches from each topic and from each partner country were collected and prepared so that a simple transfer of approaches in the whole or parts of it are possible.
e) Exchange and transfer – during a final transfer phase single good practice approaches or parts of it were implemented in partner countries for the benefit for the target group and supported by the project partnership.
For the projects impact in general it can be said that a great deal of know-how has been exchanged through the various best-practice collections and that many partners have gained important ideas for further work in all three main areas mentioned above. Nevertheless, it must be said that this transfer was more difficult than expected, a) because of the difficult political developments in Slovakia in Hungary and partly also in Croatia and Slovenia, but also because b) all these actions are embedded in different legal frameworks, often have to be released or financed by public authorities and this is often not possible or usually takes a very long time. In any case, it is difficult to achieve short-term results through such a small project. But in principle every single partner has learned a lot, exchanged ideas (especially during the LTTAs), forged new plans and cooperations and gained a lot of valuable experience for their activities. The project partners identified good practices available in the partner countries and supported the transfer of good practices within the partnership and a wider stakeholder community to support the broad access

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 119912,35 Eur

Project Coordinator

EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS, Verein zur Förderung von Benachteiligten in Europa & Country: AT

Project Partners

  • OXYS Management UG
  • Formazione Co&So Network
  • Asociácia pre kultúru, vzdelávanie a komunikáciu
  • Bio Forma d.o.o.
  • Fundacija za izboljsanje zaposlitvenih moznosti PRIZMA, ustanova
  • Human Exchange Emberi Eroforras Fejleszto es Tanacsado Alapitvany