Führung macht Schule: Schulentwicklung durch gezielte Personalführung Erasmus Project

General information for the Führung macht Schule: Schulentwicklung durch gezielte Personalführung Erasmus Project

Führung macht Schule: Schulentwicklung durch gezielte Personalführung Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Führung macht Schule: Schulentwicklung durch gezielte Personalführung

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Integration of refugees; Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); Inclusion – equity

Project Summary

Initial situation: Primary schools as “real comprehensive schools” and school districts in South Tyrol represent the entire spectrum of social reality, which is subject to strong social and digital change. Teachers are called upon to meet the different learning requirements and living conditions of their pupils. They are able to cope with this demanding task with different competences and they are only used to further developing school and teaching together in different ways.
The school management and the school inspectorate have a key role to play, and the project should significantly strengthen and accompany them in fulfilling this role.
13 school principals from Rhineland-Palatinate and 6 school leaders from South Tyrol, the School Psychological Counselling Centre Mainz (PL) and the Evaluation Center for the German Education System, Province of Bolzano, therefore worked together as partner institutions under the leadership of the two representatives of the school authorities (School Authority of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and ADD Trier, Regional Office of School Inspection Neustadt) to improve the quality of their systems and learned from and with each other. The participating school institutions started the project with a wide variety of site-specific profiles and country-specific conditions, so that people with different experience and skills could work together professionally across national borders.
The aim of the project was to strengthen and cooperate in European cooperation between the leaders (in school management and school supervision…) of the two regions with regard to their central role in personnel management and responsibility for the quality of teaching.
Their competence lies in leading and motivating employees in such a way that they actively participate in development processes. The aim of the project was therefore to design and implement a school development project together with the teaching staff at each participating school. This process was supported from start to finish by experience-oriented training sessions with a consultant from the management consulting department. Knowledge in project management, basic leadership skills and strategies of personnel management were imparted through professional communication (feedback and employee discussions, dealing with resistance), trained and concretely implemented in each case in the own school. The established steering group planned the course of the project, the meetings and further training contents in close cooperation with the participants in a target- and result-oriented manner and in line with their needs and took over the task of advising and accompanying the school in the development of suitable projects.
At project meetings and in training, teaching and learning activities across national borders, in addition to collegial exchange and joint further training, school visits with teaching visits, job shadowings for project participants, advice for school development projects and evaluation rounds took place. The intervisorial work in the course of the project was of particular importance: the topics were dealing with resistance, overcoming stumbling blocks, acknowledging milestones and reflecting on what has been achieved so far.
The school leaders were able to expand and consolidate their leadership skills in the project. With the acquired knowledge about personnel management and project management, it was possible to install new projects for teaching and school development in all schools. A network has been established between the school leaders both regionally and nationally, which guarantees a close exchange between the schools also in the future and enables mutual consultation and “intervision” at any time.
All steps of the further training, the planned and implemented school projects with realistic experiences and findings (e.g. on, to planning conferences, concrete further training materials …) were documented and examples were posted on the homepage:
In addition, a project brochure and a documentary film were produced, which was filmed during the entire project period and give a good insight into the entire project work. These are also stored on the homepage.
In addition to the development of lessons at the schools, a long-term benefit can be seen in the development of personal leadership skills as well as in the wide variety of materials that have been created and are available on the homepage. All this will now be available to other school leaders in school and school inspectorate, whereby a very large circle of people, in addition to the many institutions involved, will benefit sustainably from the project.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 201999,94 Eur

Project Coordinator

Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion & Country: DE

Project Partners

  • Grundschule Mainz Weisenau
  • Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz
  • Grundschule Mainz Marienborn
  • Grundschule an den Römersteinen Mainz-Zahlbach
  • Grundschule “Im Feldgarten”
  • Grundschule Leibnizschule