Fun Face of Science and Maths with Games Erasmus Project

General information for the Fun Face of Science and Maths with Games Erasmus Project

Fun Face of Science and Maths with Games Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Fun Face of Science and Maths with Games

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Natural sciences; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation

Project Summary

Five partners participated in the project (Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland). Of the partners there are 2 non-governmental organizations and 3 public education institutions. The Turkish partner is in a fortunate position to choose the most talented students in the area and to deal with them as a small group. The Hungarian partner also deals with small groups of students, but they are not selected based on grades, but they choose these occupations voluntarily. The Bulgarian school works with 100% Roma pupil composition. It is very hard for them to keep the students in school. The Romanian partner is the school of a small settlement where there is a lack of pupils. The Polish partner is a big institution. Although we are structurally very different, we are struggling with the same problems. The students don’t like natural sciences and mathematics. In these areas, we have a problem with teacher’s deficit. There is no motivating force for students, they find these subjects boring and incomprehensible. We wanted to reverse this approach with our project. We have created interesting physics, chemistry, biology, and geographical experiments with students that can be easily done by anyone (parent, student, and teacher) and can make the lessons more enjoyable. We’ve provided some games that can be introduced not only in mathematics, but in any classroom and enrich the monotonous learning. These experiments and games were videotaped, and the description and instructions were prepared in 6 languages (in Hungarian, Turkish, Romanian, Polish, Bulgarian and English). From the experiments, a small online e-book was produced, which was taught by Adam Pálvölgyi during the first Learning / teaching / training activities. This simple online tool can be used by students and teachers for other project work and lessons. During international project meetings, students and teachers also learned to use new tools at all venues.
In Poland, museums were significant which could be incorporated into geography and biology classes. In Bulgaria, the application of demographic analysis has surprised us. During the demonstration, students and teachers also realized that the population is decreasing, the young people are migrating, and they are setting up a family later. We have also prepared a questionnaire survey on this subject, which has supported the verbal conversation. In Turkey, working with robots was very interesting. In addition, working with clay has made everyone happy. The experimentation workshop and the visit and performance of the planetarium were interesting. In Romania, mathematics gained the leading role. We participated in a number of math games that the students participated very enthusiastically.
During the Hungarian camp, we summarized what we tried during the 2 years and further extended our knowledge. We took part in code hunting, where we algorithmized, developed code and used GPS signals through mobile application.
We have experimented with physics, manufactured rockets, played with robots, and learned new games that partners also like to incorporate into their lessons.
Beside the experiments and games, we have come to know each other’s culture, customs, food, traditions, folk music, folk dance, folk costumes. We organized storming cultural evenings, which broke down the borders, language and cultural differences.
We want to continue the cooperation in the form of new applications.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 116830 Eur

Project Coordinator

Kállósemjéni Diákokért és Ifjakért Egyesület & Country: HU

Project Partners

  • Gimnazjum im. Integracji Europejskiej
  • Scoala Gimnaziala Margina
  • “St.St.Cyril and Methodius” Primary school-Kamen
  • Elazig Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi