Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology in the Aeronautic Industry Erasmus Project

General information for the Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology in the Aeronautic Industry Erasmus Project

Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology in the Aeronautic Industry Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology in the Aeronautic Industry

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Open and distance learning; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Research and innovation

Project Summary

Project Background
The aeronautic Industry has a special place in European advanced manufacturing. Its stands in the high-added value productions and uses the most demand technologies and quality control. To ensure the interchangeability and advanced performance, parts to be assembled need appropriate QUALITY CONTROL as well as advanced design and optimisation. A key factor for the successful implementation of advanced manufacturing is the competent use of the most innovative equipment for quality control. 3D measuring technologies for large scale are by far the most important tool for these specialised activities, and HIGHLY COMPETENT AND SKILLED PERSONNEL is required to operate, program and manage the equipment. As reported in many scientific papers, frequently the operator with his/her decisions is the most relevant error source in Geometrical Quality Control operations, in particular when dealing with innovative technologies. Currently, there are no offers for structured and supported learning in this field, or ubiquitous access to a convenient knowledge base on portable and large-volume metrology.
PRACTICAL WORK using measuring equipment is vital for successful VET. Blended learning can efficiently support VET in this field and be very effective for learning the latest innovations.

a) enhance the attractiveness of VET in Metrology, integrating features such as the use of modern content delivery tools (e.g. tablets, apps) and social networking;
b) produce high-quality learning content on innovative measuring technologies (including: Mobile CMMs, Laser tracking and Large Scale Metrology);
c) Upgrading of the learning content delivered by a previous EU project with 10 years of successful follow-up activities;
d) facilitate the participation of companies to VET activities, in particular companies in the aeronautic sector, allowing an innovative way of doing PRACTICAL WORK on real equipment in an adequate infrastructure;
e) Develop a European system for the identification and recognition of skills and qualifications in relation to VET in Geometrical Quality Control as a contribution to the implementation of the ECVET in a relevant area of competence for the advanced manufacturing industry with special focus on aeronautic industry.

CATIM –Centro de Apoio Tecnológico à Indústria Metalomecânica, Portugal
Univ. of Padua, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Italy
CMTrain -Training for Coordinate Metrology e.V., Germany
University of Huddersfield, Centre for Precision Technologies, UK
University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, Institute for Production Metrology, Materials and Optics, Switzerland

The project delivers the following concrete results:
1. A new procedure (tool) for positioning assessment of competence and definition of personalised learning paths
2. New procedures and ICT tools for innovative content development and distribution;
3. New Open Educational Resources (OER) on innovative measuring technologies, produced in Europe;
4. Enriched and updated outputs of a previous EU project with 10 years of successful follow-up activities;
5. Translation of revised existing content to additional European languages;
6. modern tutor-learners interaction, bridging the worlds of education and work;
7. An European Qualification System for VET in Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology.

1) Advanced manufacturing industry
– reduction of quality issues due to lack of competence in metrology, especially at suppliers
– improved new product development, based on a better understanding of parts functionality
– understanding metrology without having in-house measuring equipment
– increased general acceptance of qualifications related to Geometrical Quality Control and Large Scale Metrology

2) Suppliers of metrology equipment and services
– faster introduction of innovative measuring systems and new services
– better acceptance of new technology by customers

3) VET and Higher Education institutions
– new courses and training services on innovative measuring technology in the Aeronautic industry and other fields where large-scale metrology is applicable.
– universities can offer new content (advanced levels) to engineering students

– contribute to increased the leading role of Europe in advanced manufacturing
– improved quality of life (e.g. less noise and vibrations due to better control of form)
– more reliable products (e.g. understanding part functionality using advanced metrology)
– more efficient products (e.g. improved efficiency thanks to complex-shaped components)
– environmental benefits (e.g. reduction of scrap during production and less prototype iterations)

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 323838,67 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • CM Train e.V.