Green Energy Saves the Earth Erasmus Project
General information for the Green Energy Saves the Earth Erasmus Project
Project Title
Green Energy Saves the Earth
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Natural sciences; Environment and climate change; ICT – new technologies – digital competences
Project Summary
Green Energy Saves the Earth is a 6 countries partnership: in the context of climate change, pollution and other environment issues, the project brings scientific solutions – the use of Green energy that nature provides, with zero pollution and no waste, using the available natural and clean energy resources such as the sunlight, wind, water, waves, geothermal energy, steam and bio-energy to generate power.
Our preliminary survey in partner schools shows pupils have 80% low knowledge of green energy and need to study it.
Objectives of the project: 1. improving students’ knowledge, scientific and practical skills related to natural energy and environment 2. making science learning more attractive 3. promoting inclusion by offering equal opportunities of learning to students from different social backgrounds.
The project aims to teach young generations about green energy, starting with a target group of 600 pupils from 6 countries, 11-15 years old. Target group can be later expanded to other age groups, increasing the number of direct beneficiaries from partner schools.
Target group of indirect beneficiaries starts from 1000 people as random international audience, expanding it to other countries outside the partnership.
– Studying production of fuel, hardboard, natural glue from agricultural waste.
– Making presentations about natural /green energy: sunlight, water, waves, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and bio-energy as renewable energy sources
– Studying the use of each energy source in their city. Analysis of natural energy use in the region. Students investigate local situation regarding energy use.
– Studying pollution in the regions, cities and sources of local pollution.
– Studying dangers to the environment and eco-system (extinct or endangered species, poisonous fertilizers, chemical pollution in food, plastic waste in nature), how to clean the water of the seas and oceans.
– Making a blueprint of the ecological home for the green city of the future with green transport and natural energy. What does the future planet look like?
– Statistics: how much natural energy is used in their community (homes with solar panels, wind generators etc) Comparison between regions/countries.
– Creative writings: compositions about the future world using natural energy without pollution.
– Making posters, drawings about a better future of the world without pollution.
– Visits of documentation to power plants or hydroelectric companies that use natural energy in the regions
– Workshops about carbon footprint, ecological footprint and water footprint. Calculating each footprint.
– Outdoor activities sanitizing the environment, promoting eco-friendly attitude and responsibility to the environment.
-Workshop about soil pollution, consequences of chemicals in agriculture. Make a simple natural compost in bottle from wastes of fruit, vegetable, tea.
– Workshop about causes of water pollution and recycling. Making a simple water filter.
– Workshop about acid rains and ozone depletion. Causes, consequences, prevention.
– Workshop about international agreements about the environment and climate change effects.
– Importance of recycling. Waste battery campaign.
Methodology: workshops, studies, group activities, practical activities, scientific research, analyses.
Results / Outputs:
– Innovative result: Guide for Green Energy, manual for natural, ecological and renewable energy for the future. By this book the project aims to make information available to the world, expanding the target group to as many as possible other beneficiaries and generations.
The Guide for Natural Energy contains theoretical information and guidelines for practical lessons and activities about natural resources of energy and how to use them.
– Project magazine, with scientific articles and studies written by teachers and students, related to the environment issues and solutions.
– Posters, drawings, essays.
– Practical engineering results – machines that use natural green energy, power generators built by pupils with the guidance of teachers:
-a wind generator
-a sunlight generator
-a steam turbine(geothermal)
-a hydropower generator
-a wave generator
Outcomes: improved STEM interest and skills, improved knowledge and awareness of environment problems / solutions involving the use of green energy, increased enthusiasm for learning sciences, improved foreign language and ICT skills, better integration of disadvantaged pupils.
Impact on pupils: improved knowledge and use of green energy, increased interest for science and engineering, improved solidarity in solving environment issues, improved foreign language and ICT skills. Teachers: improved teaching skills. Schools: added European dimension, better quality and management.
Longterm benefits: better science knowledge for new generations, better mentality, improved responsibility to nature, a cleaner environment, better quality of life, better future for the planet, a better world.
Project Website
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 152374 Eur
Project Coordinator
Scoala Profesionala Holboca & Country: RO
Project Partners
- Osnovna skola Ivana Kukuljevica Sakcinskog Ivanec
- Osnovno uchiliste “Yordan Yovkov”