“Greening” apprenticeships in the HORECA industry Erasmus Project

General information for the “Greening” apprenticeships in the HORECA industry Erasmus Project

“Greening” apprenticeships in the HORECA industry Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

“Greening” apprenticeships in the HORECA industry

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2018

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; Cooperation between educational institutions and business

Project Summary

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is well established in the HORECA sector, as most employers offer apprenticeship programs in partnership with VET providers. This is necessary, as related occupations require further to knowledge and practical skills, a first-hand experience across business functions and future work duties. Nevertheless, the HORECA industry still notes a gap between the skills and knowledge learned by apprentices through WBL and those needed by the workplace, particularly to what regards environmental and sustainability skills. One of the key reasons, is the fast-paced emergence of relevant new market niches technological changes, new legislation/regulations, and last but not least, evolving customer expectations. EC study in 2016 reports the major skills gaps in HORECA education and training, underlining that the “greening” of the industry has led to considerable changes in the tasks and competences required by employees. HOTREC (December 2016) has published a pledge to improve the quality of apprenticeship schemes by promoting new skills development to tackle the new tourist demand. The EU Skills Panorama (2016) includes hospitality managers among the occupations needing skills upgrading

ENVIRECA aimed to align work-based learning with workplace requirements as regards environmentally sustainable practices. Project objectives were:
•Develop a comprehensive and up-to-date WBL curriculum and new training content on environmentally sustainable work practices to be embedded in HORECA VET provision
•Introduce training delivery methods to enable HORECA apprentices to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in real life workplace situations via training scenario
•Enhance VET-business cooperation and facilitate the integration of environmental components into HORECA WBL curricula and national/EU certification schemes.

The partnership comprised 5 partners with complementary skills and long experience on delivering innovative methods on environmental and sustainability skills. FLA brought its expertise and capacity in the environmental field and guaranteed the upgrading of HORECA WBL schemes. DU brought its experience in designing curricula tailored to market needs. EXELIA brought its long experience in delivering innovative learning methodologies and pedagogies. HRC brought its experience in designing work-based training in the HORECA sector and access to HORECA companies. CSHM brought its specialization on job specific training curricula and apprenticeships in HORECA industry.

•Map skill needs on environmentally sustainable work practices and update occupational requirements for HORECA employees
•Design of a WBL curriculum and Open Educational Resources for training HORECA apprentices in environmental technologies and sustainable work practices
•Delivery of a simulation game with practical scenarios on HORECA key business functions to foster new skills development
•Organization of a pilot session to validate ENVIRECA units of learning outcomes and training material
•Design of an Environmental Certificate Supplement for the integration of green components into HORECA certification schemes
•Creation and distribution of a position paper to promote the incorporation of green skills requirements into occupational standards (to reach 75 stakeholders)
•Organization of national information days in partnership countries to promote project results and strengthen collaborations between VET providers and HORECA employers

•Evidence-based learning outcomes on sustainable HORECA work practices
•A 6 weeks WBL curriculum, referenced to EQF level 4, available in 6 EU languages
•50 hours of versatile studying materials, offered in the form of open educational resources, in 6 EU languages
•A board game with 5 scenarios that simulate “real-life” working situations.
•A certificate template for learners receiving training on environmentally sustainable HORECA work practices
•A set of policy recommendations on how improve the supply and quality of work-based learning in the HORECA industry

It is estimated that ENVIRECA has benefitted:
• 300-450 VET providers
• 500-600 HORECA employers
• 5500-7000 HORECA employees and apprentices
• 50-75 sectoral representatives and regulatory entities
• 1000-1500 other individuals

•Improved HORECA networks’ knowledge and capacity for learner centered approaches.
•Increased HORECA employers’ capacity to provide environmental and sustainability skills to employees
•Increased knowledge of learners, trainers, mentors on how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice by developing handbooks and case studies.
•Extended networks and synergies among stakeholders, HORECA, environmental institutions and authorities by producing the framework for integration of sustainability skills.
•Strengthened links between informal and formal education pathways

Project Website


EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 339893 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Private Professional College HRC Culinary Academy Bulgaria LLC