Guideline for international structured training providers Erasmus Project

General information for the Guideline for international structured training providers Erasmus Project

Guideline for international structured training providers Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Guideline for international structured training providers

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

Project Summary

The mobility of staff has always been considered a priority by the European Union, one target in education for 2020 being to increase the participation of adults in learning by 15%.
However, to assure good quality, efficiency and a high impact of mobility events, in our case professional development courses, it is vital to have well-prepared host institutions and to invest in strengthening the professional profile of teacher trainers.
The partnership, consisting of 5 training providers from 5 different European countries is based on the needs they personally encountered in their own institutions, but also on statistical data from a national and European level. Based on our findings, there isn’t a unity between the teaching methods in the European countries and there are no quality standards for planning, implementing and evaluating international-level training courses. Moreover, providing international training courses requires a set of competencies and knowledge: they require both subject-specific expertise and knowledge about the specific elements of an international training course. Since no previous outputs or actions were dedicated to adapt training events to these specific particularities of international training courses, the project is very welcomed.
In response to the listed needs, the main objective of the project is to increase the quality of international level, job-related short-term training courses by creating a Standard Guideline on how to plan, implement and follow-up such an event, and by strengthening the profile of professional development course trainers with the help of events developing their competencies and knowledge in the field of planning, implementing and following-up such activities.
The project will directly target international level, professional development training providers (e.g. host institutions offering KA1 short term courses) and the trainers involved in these institutions. Of course, indirectly, the project will have an impact on trainees and sending institutions as well, since an increase in the quality of training events will positively impact the trainees attending such opportunities and their sending institutions.
The project will directly target a number of 185 trainers/training providers via its events such as short term training events, transfer of know-how training events, project presentations and multiplier events. Within dissemination an additional number of 2400 people/institutions will be reached.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 99978 Eur

Project Coordinator

Asociatia Bridge Language Study House & Country: RO

Project Partners

  • European Academy of Creativity
  • EBB Europass Berlin Beratungsbüro GmbH
  • Teacher Academy Ireland Limited