Happy Kids For A Better Europe With Peer Coaching Erasmus Project
General information for the Happy Kids For A Better Europe With Peer Coaching Erasmus Project
Project Title
Happy Kids For A Better Europe With Peer Coaching
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Social dialogue; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
In the SWOT analysis of the 2015-2019 strategic plan of our institutions, it is seen that the most important topic that is aimed to be developed in our institution is the active participation of students with low interest and motivation to learning and low academic success. It was found that 43% of 777 students in 28 classes including kindergarten in our institution could not actively participate in educational activities, could not achieve learning satisfaction and could not express themselves in the lessons,had lack of self-confidence and were withdrawn.
Traditional methods have been applied in order to actively involve our students in the educational processes and to eliminate the existing problems, but the desired result has not been achieved. In order to ensure the personal, social and academic development of our students and to actively involve our students in the educational and learning processes, our project was decided to implement the “Peer Coaching” method.
The peer coaches chosen among the students who have different competencies and skill levels, who are confident and have strong communication skills, supported the students they coached personally, socially and academically. All the activities were carried out within the framework of respect, understanding and tolerance. Coach students were trained in communication, empathy, tolerance and methodology. Coach students were chosen on the basis of voluntariness as a result of sociometry technique data. Each class has a different number of peer coaches in line with the needs of the students.
Teacher, student and parent trainings were organized within the scope of the project. Parent trainings were conducted by relevant experts and guidance services. Trainings were given on communication, self-confidence, time management and peer coaching. An “Activity Room” was established within the school in order to ensure that the coach and coached students spend time and quality, and cultural and social activities were organized.
Our project was carried out between October 2017 – September 2019. Our project consisted of 4 partners from primary schools (Turkey, Poland, Portugal and Italy). 2 Transnational project meetings (TPM) and 3 Learning / Teaching / Training (LTT) activities were held within the project. Transnational project meetings were held in Turkey in the coordinating institution of Cumhuriyet Primary School. 3 Learning / Teaching/ Training (LTT) activities were organized. In this way, the best practices in the institutions have been seen and adopted. At the end of the workshops, brochures were prepared about the adaptation of the best practices to the Peer Coaching method.
Teachers participated in all of the activities which are mentioned above. The number of participants was determined by considering the number of staff and students of the institutions. 3 participants from Turkey and Poland, 2 participants from Italy and Portugal joined toTransnational project meetings. Participants are Project Management Teams. 6 from Turkey and Poland, 3 from Italy and Portugal joined to Learning / Teaching / Training (LTT) is the activity. Participants except key personnels were determined on a voluntary basis by the “Participant Selection Commissions”.
Project Management Teams have been established in institutions for the effective execution of the project. The coach and coached students were determined. Teacher, student and parent trainings were organized. After the implementation started, Project Interm Evaluation Report was prepared by all partners in three terms and 5-month periods. In this way, evaluation studies of the project were carried out in certain periods. These reports are presented and discussed at each LTT activity.
As a result of the active participation of the little hearts that we will entrust our future through the Peer Coaching method to the educational environments at primary level, generations that can look to the future with hopes, use their potential, have strong communication skills, research and questioning have started to be raised. The percentage of students who could not participate actively in education and training decreased from 43% to 18%. Students were given leadership qualities and teachers became more professionally equipped. There have been reductions in parent student conflicts and communication has been strengthened.Qualified, successful, active students who can use the information have been sent to higher education institutions. This situation is thought to improve the quality of education in schools. As a result of the dissemination activities, peer coaching method have been started to implement in different institutions.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 80560 Eur
Project Coordinator
Cumhuriyet Ilkokulu & Country: TR
Project Partners
- Fondazione Alessandro Kambo
- EDIFACOOP – Cooperativa de Educação do Indivíduo, Formação e Apoio, CRL
- Szkola Podstawowa nr 47 im. J.K. Branickiego w Bialymstoku