General information for the HEALTH AND FITNESS FOR HEALTHY FUTURE Erasmus Project

July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; Health and wellbeing; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education

Project Summary

The project has been carried out in order to raise healthier generation in the future and to promote students awareness of healthier lifestyle. For this reason partners all together prepared a project to show how to adapt doing sports and healthy nutrition. With the basic idea to establish a partnership based on devoloping and applying the transfer of good practices between schools.During this two years process we intended and tried to inform students and families the rules of safe and correct nutrition and suggested healthy living habbits and the importance of doing sports. We also tried to show the process and effects of the course of healthy life. All partners worked with the same sensibility and tried to find solutions and suggestions.
Especially our aim was trying to get to adapt school age children the habbit of healthy eating awareness ,seeing the results of doing sports upon our body and whole life in an entertaining way. While doing this we tried to find solutions, tried to show that good nutrition and doing sports can help to reduce the risk of some diseases and increase human beings energy level. All activities done in this two year period with students ,families ,stakeholders all together and were largely able to succeed. All these intramunal and extra scholastic studies and activities between students created awareness and helped us to be succesful.
Our project involved from five countries .It was coordinated by Turkey –Tevfik İleri Religious Secondary School from Atakum Samsun. Turkey contributed to the project with 1300 students and aproximately 100 staff –stakeholders.
Spanish partners from Motril ,Ave Maria Varadero,Italian partners from Vasto, İstituto Comprensivo, Slovakian partners from Bratislava ,Deutsche Schule ,Polish partners from Rzeszow,Gimnazium Nr2 contributed with all their students and stakeholders.
The project target group was mostly choose from secondary school students between the age of 11-15.
At the beginning of the project all countries distrubed the tasks to team members.all activities took place under the coordination of these teams. Our project team involved from 7 teachers 50 students, admisnistrative staff and other stakeholders. Team metings to discuss and exchange ideas suggessions were hold. Tasks to team members were distributed. The programme , the project, the topics, objectives to the school community (students,teachers,administrative staff, parents and other local authoroties)was presented. Project included 2 transnational Project meetings att the beginning and end in Turkey. 4 LTTA’s in Italy,Poland, Slovakia and Spain.
These two TM were hold in Turkey with the participation of coordinator teachers and back up contact persons. In this first TM the schools ,regions and countries were presented and all the stages of the project wasdiscussed and planned again. Before the first transnational meeting every country created their Erasmus + corner at school. Choose their team,placed the digital monitors in şargely visible areas at school ,designated and created informative brochures.
Also at the front end stage af the project before the first TM a questionairre was prepared in line with all partners this questionairre was implemented to all project partner school stakeholders online via internet. The results were evaluated at the first TM and itenerary was planned into consideration to these results.
The same questionairre was implemented to all stakeholders at the end of the Project and was evaluated again at the final TM in Turkey. These twoquestionairres were very sufficient to see the changes and progress between the beginning and end.
And it was pleasing to see that there was positive development. These two questionairres and results were webificated at our official web page (
The four LTT meetings were carried out in;
Italy – Vasto , Poland –Rzesow , Slovakia – Bratislava, Spain-Motril.
As we mentioned before in our Project text, the objectives and result through activiting that contributed to develop the Project an to reach the acceptabilities, were discussed and planned at these meetings succesfully. Via these LTT’s students and teachers were able to develop and reinorce their foreign language became aware of the smilarities and diffrences between cultures ,learned other languages, tasted different dishes students with obesity problems and with the risk of obesity met face to face with their peers from other coıntries .
Our social media accounts like (web page) ,erasmussamsun-instagram and forhealthyfuture- facebook have been used succesfully. Because social media has become a very powerful tool for almost anything, with more and more people joining social media sides and using them regularly/effeciently, we tried to take advantages of it. We prepared leaflets, banners ,posters, to show all adresses of these accounts .All partners followed the same way and were succcesful to popularize the project widely.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 124740 Eur

Project Coordinator

Tevfik Ileri Imam Hatip Ortaokulu & Country: TR

Project Partners

  • Istituto Comprensivo 1 Vasto
  • III Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Cypriana Kamila Norwida w Rzeszowie
  • Deutsche Schule Bratislava, Verein der Eltern der deutsch-slowakischen Begegnungsschule Bratislava