Health, Solidarity and Social Cohesion with Sport Erasmus Project

General information for the Health, Solidarity and Social Cohesion with Sport Erasmus Project

Health, Solidarity and Social Cohesion with Sport Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Health, Solidarity and Social Cohesion with Sport

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Health and wellbeing; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Open and distance learning

Project Summary

The Council of Europe defines sports as any form of physical activity that occurs through coincidental or organized participation with the aim of being physically fit and expressing or improving mental health, creating social relations or achieving a competitive outcome at all levels. Physical education not only contributes to people’s immediate fitness and good health but also helps people to perform and understand physical activity better with positive lifelong repercussions. Lifelong learning is an important element in the development of active citizenship, social skills and social cohesion. Physical activity is not just a public health issue; it also addresses the well-being of communities and investment in future generations. Being healthy is the most important and functional feature for individuals to live effectively and independently in society.
Physical activity is a fundamental means of improving physical and mental health. Physical inactivity is estimated to account for nearly 600.000 deaths per year. Tackling this leading risk factor would reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, some forms of cancer and psychological disorders. In addition, sport and physical activity is one of the keys to counteracting the epidemic diseases that is posing a new global challenge to public health which have been living one (Corona epidemic) in every part of our world. Physical activity also addresses the well-being of communities and investment in future generations. Countries need to reverse the trend towards inactivity and create conditions across Europe in which people can strengthen their health by making physical activity part of everyday life, especially these days during those we people have to stay homes because of Corona virus quarantine. The scale of the problem requires developing a new understanding and population-based approaches.
This implies strengthening existing partnerships, such as those with the education and sports sectors, that play roles at different levels in daily life of individuals and communities and creating ICT based learning/training materials which can be easily accessed on the Internet. Sport is also a practical instrument for social integration. The sport also creates opportunities for learning basic principles such as acquiring skills such as discipline, leadership, tolerance, cooperation and respect which we need enormously nowadays.
With this Project, local and international activities will be carried out. By the help of distance educational materials (training videos, e-booklets and info leaflets), people who are from all walks of life will have equal and open learning opportunities based on ICT. The outputs based on informal and non formal teaching techniques will give the opportunity to people to develop their attitudes and behaviors both in personal and public health awareness for balanced social and cultural cohesion.
Instead of fitting learning into a certain area or time, applying the distance learning/teaching system at any time and place will give a great advantage to individuals and communities. The outputs will be constantly open to access of everyone, extinguishing the constraint of time and space. The objectives of the Project are in line with the objectives of the European Union and the Erasmus + Program for increasing learning demand and take up through effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies, supporting the setting up of and access to upskilling pathways and social inclusion.
During the project period several training methods will be used such as case studies, demos, lectures, brainstorming, further reading, simulations, group discussions, thinking time, open air activities, exercises, PPT presentations.
International activities will be a great opportunity to reduce prejudices through intercultural interaction, to contribute to the development of foreign language speaking and social skill of the participants in personal level. Establishing a network of cooperation will a support sustainable development and strengthen the capacities of the Project partners in the European dimension in organisational level.
The project will increase the number of adults about healthy life consciousness with sport and physical activities. It will give the opportunity to adults to improve their attitude for physical and mental health. It will help to develop individual and social awareness to contribute to social change. The project will also increase the awareness about the aims of Erasmus+ programme and European values on target groups and relevant stakeholders at local, national an international level.
The Project will support learning/training opportunites to people to develop their healthy life consciousness in short and mid term and mutual exchanges for educational cooperation at international level,encourage better implementationsin public health and contribute to common sport and healty life policy areas in the long term.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 111150 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Stowarzyszenie Zalasowian
  • Cubuk Halk Egitimi Merkezi
  • EducaLife Egitim, Danismanlik, Proje, Spor, Tercumanlik, Turizm ve Seyahat Ltd.Sti.